Pakistan's most unpredictable elections

(Fawad Ali, karachi)

Pakistan’s most unpredictable elections are just hours away and yet many learned analysts, political experts and researchers are at loss of words to confidently predict the results of Election 2013. Reporters, journalists and columnists are all expressing their opinions on the outcomes of 11 May polls but the entirety of the truth is not in anyone’s reach to claim. International as well as national media is bustling with reports, rumors, news and reviews. However, right from its outset Election 2013 has been unique and unparalleled in its approach. These elections mark a phenomenon that has so many new factors breeding under its wings that it makes a self proclaiming claim that Pakistan will pen down a new history through these elections.

The change as we all hear about has been brought because democracy has finally been given a chance in Pakistan, where an elected government completed its mandate and tenure and through elections a new governmental setup is due to take charge in a matter of hours.

For decades Pakistan has seen nothing but a game of hide and seek played between the two mainstream parties of the Bhuttos' Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and the Sharifs' Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N), where their elected mandate has for several times been undermined by the biggest giant of all- the military power. A series of military regimes scattered around the governments run by these two parties is what has been the fate of Pakistan for 60 years.
However, Election 2013 has brought with its new prospects, new hopes, new vision and a chance and opportunity for Pakistani nation to change its fate through ballot and not bullet. Here’s a chance to change the course of fate, here is a chance to voice your opinion through your vote.
Iqbal’s precious words come in handy here:
Zamanay Kay Andaaz Badlay Gaey
Naya Raag Hai Saaz Badlay Gaey
Khirad Ko Ghulami Say Aazad Kar
Jawanon Ko Peeron Ka Ustad Kar

Five most important factors and game changers for these elections, which have challenge the set trends and norms are:
1.Imran Khan
As the biggest challenger to all the traditionally set, mainstream parties, Imran Khan, the cricketer-turned-politician, a National hero, yet tagged as a political no-hoper, has actually posed the biggest threat to all the players of the political game. Few years back, Khan’s vision was called a mad man’s dream and evidently that mad man has won the hearts of millions and has a political following of a significant chunk of the country. Already many analysts have acknowledged that Imran Khan’s PTI will upset the previously set candidates of mainstream parties and will win significant number of seats. Visioning a “Naya Pakistan” Imran Khan has appealed to the masses brilliantly and his PTI definitely is the biggest change for 11 May polls.

2.Youth- New Voters
Another very important factor which will play its significant role in determining the future of Pakistan is the inclusion of new voters- the Pakistani youth which will be casting the first vote of its life. As contestably a free and independent Election Commission of Pakistan has verified the injection of a new electoral which will act as another element of unpredictability. A newer, stronger and effective Electoral Commission has renovated the lists of eligible voters.
According to ECP, there are now 85 million verified voters. Since the last election of 2008, the commission has removed 37 million bogus names and added 36 million new ones.

Punjab, as the deciding factor of Elections with majority number of seats and biggest population inhabiting province is playing the role of a platform of bringing about change and unpredictability to these elections.

3.Taliban Threat
Terrorist and Taliban threat remain evident and over-arching this entire time and political stage of Pakistan is blood strained and victimized under a well planned and brutally designed act of Taliban. During the last election campaign, in 2008, Talibans observed a ceasefire and remained silent however, this time around they are openly ready to bring chaos and havoc to our homeland. This time around, they are openly calling for the overthrow of the democratic system and attacking politicians from the parties which criticize them. So far bombings and shootings have killed more than 100 people in election-related violence.

4.An Independent judiciary
First time in Pakistan’s history, judiciary is playing the role of an independent, strong and resilient institution which carries out its activities freely without being undermined and politically pressurized from the outside powers. Although judges are still accused of family and political links with different parties and they surely are intimidated by religious extremists however an independent judicious system is making its roots strong now and judges are increasingly willing to confront the politicians and they even show signs of even daring to stand firm against the army.

5.Media power
It's not just the youth and judges who are testing the waters of socio-political arena of this country; media has also risen as a strong and persuasive power at a time when it was most needed. Media is also stretching its muscles intelligently and is ready to play its significant role in bringing about change to this country.

The satellite TV with its sensational and compelling minute-by-minute news coverage has emerged as a major power in the land. What is highly important for these elections is that with the ability to deploy journalists and with an ever ready to roll camera crews all over the country the manipulative political parties with their corrupt techniques to rig the polls have found it challenging to fix the election results this time around and that has added to the unpredictability of these elections considerably.
Now, let’s see how Pakistan votes!

Fawad Ali
About the Author: Fawad Ali Read More Articles by Fawad Ali: 6 Articles with 7765 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.