A Leader of Speeches Only

(Shahzad Shameem, Abbottabad)

Reading his press statements which talk about “cooling Karachi situation” or listening his speech is always fun! His body language, if you are able to watch him, indeed, through the news channels clips, you might feel that Bollywood actors are far behind him in exploiting mass emotions. For everydead or non-existence issue, with his emotions, conversation style and dead arguments, he makes it a matter of life & death, a matter of saving Pakistan from the darkness of stone-ages!

My elders say that former Pakistani politician and the founder of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rahman used to have such conversational style. I didn’t believe this and went to India Office Library searching some old videos of Mujeeb ur Rahman. It was an amazing experience to discover that both resembles a lot in terms of speeches and probably, outlook too! However one elder in Karachi says that he copies the speech-style of Mr Rizvi, a local resident who took part in council elections and had brought him in Muhajir politics.

He picks up one word and then by stretching it he pulls out all that’s hidden in his mind and conscience within a single word. When he uses the word “MaouN BehnouN” means mothers and sisters, he prolongs the word mother … up to an extent portraying that the voice is coming from of his heart … and then he asks for the ornaments to be donated to his political party with full emotional zeal. He repeats his words so many times as if he is trying to take the reward immediately from his listeners. When he talks about the religious personalities whom he opposes then he chews the word “Maulana Sahab” little more than it is needed like ... Maulanaaaaaa Saaahab…. in which he pulls out his internal hatred against that religious personality.

With the advent of electronic media, he is seen everywhere talking and delivering speeches. Media is a little cautious of him as he doesn’t allow the anchors or interviewers to intervene in his “sermon – like – speeches” even on TV news channels, where editing is a must and every single second is salable! And once he starts, God knows when the end would come. Recently on NewsOne channel, Mubashir Lucman tried to say good-bye to him twice but he resumed the conversation again and again.

Before 2002, when there were no private news channels, he had refused to come on state television during election campaigns because the state media wanted to edit his speech and he had refused to do so.

He is one who, besides Multinational Corporation conference calls, invented the concept of political telephonic speech while away from his native land. For he, as a foreigner, couldn’t come to his own native land for number of reasons including the fear of getting killed by his own splinter group. So you could find his voice every where in Pakistan wherever there is PTCL coverage. God knows who bears the cost of such long distance calls for hours and hours! His critics say that his party men in various departments especially in PTCL connect him illegally without any cost for several hours.

Now he is saving Pakistan from Taliban and his speeches are full of love for Pakistan. The faded memory of people of Pakistan still remember that in 1992 he and his party press statements were fully against of Pak army and this same homeland, which he is trying to save now. What a great change in his approach, philosophy, and thinking!

It is heard and few newspapers reported that, “his wife has filed a divorce petition against him just because he spends all his nights in rehearsal of the next day speeches by standing in front of mirror that is fixed in his bedroom.”

Perhaps, this could be a genuine reason for any woman to file divorce as her husband. On the other hand, one has to consider that speeches are bread-n-butter if no other sources of income is considered. He has to earn his living through this act as exile allowance might not be sufficient to run a family aboard. Though his followers claim that he is a “poor” politician without any source of income to live in world’s most expensive city – London, for over a decade.

Guess who he is!!!

A Leader of Speeches Only!
by Nadia Khan

H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem
About the Author: H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem Read More Articles by H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem: 242 Articles with 357257 views H/DOCTOR, HERBALIST, NUTRITIONIST, AN EDUCATIONISTS, MOTIVATIONAL TRAINER, SOCIAL WORKER AND WELL WISHER OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH.

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