A Rebuttal from a British Muslim Lady Scholar to French President Sarkozy

(M. Furqan Khan, Karachi)

Hijab Is Islamic, Burqa Is Personal Choice

We don't see this as a religious issue but more of a political one. And as such, this video is hilariously superb, a rebuttal from a British Muslim lady scholar to French President Sarkozy. Although Burqa is more of a local traditional expression in a handful of Muslim countries as compared to Hijab which is universally Islamic, it remains a legitimate cultural practice for some people if they choose to practice it. President Sarkozy's anti-Burqa comments do not make this distinction. It seems the intent of his statement was more along the lines of hitting at Islam the religion. Which is despicable. Imagine if tomorrow Muslim countries banned the public display of the Christian cross. That would be despicable as well. But how is that different from Mr. Sarkozy's statement?

By the way, Mr. Sarkozy is a very close and dear friend of Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, the Pakistani president. Maybe some of our friends on this list who have access to him could suggest to him to advise his longtime French friend that his statement is an unnecesary fodder for those who want a civilizational war. Meanwhile, enjoy this.

Must See & Listen the Rebuttal at the following Link


VIDEO: Dr Nazreen rebuts President Sarkozy's ban burqa comments
Dr Nazreen Nawaz, Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, challenges French President Sarkozy's many assertions from his now infamous ban the burqa speech when he described the burqa as an unacceptable symbol of women's enslavement "not be welcome on our territory."

"It is laughable that Mr. Sarkozy talks of enslavement of women while he is married to Carla Bruni, a former nude model - a profession that many women consider as the embodiment of "female enslavement to men. "

M. Furqan Hanif
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