Solution to pakistan problem...

(inquilabi inquilaabi, lahore)

Pakistan is facing several problem which include terrorism ,coruption an law and order situation . Many people think that these problem can be solved by the education.But education is not the primary solution.One can see in all millitant organizations, talented and educated people ,even their follower are good educated .Example of srilanka before us .Srilanka's literacy rate is above 75percent,but still one can find the cases of coruption and terrorism .Balouch rebel group is led by gold medalist doctor.So what is the solution?

Solution of all problem is speedy justice.Our religion Islam also emphasized on this point .In pakistan ,most people didn't practice Islam teaching but when one asked about imposing shria constitution ,they support it.Because they know ,they do not have to wait for years.Talibaan success in Afghanistan was because of speedy judgements .People in Afghanistan support taliban because of this reason.Feudal of rural areas are strong because they decide matters within days,while same matters remain unsolved in courts for years.Iran example is before us,where court decide matter withn few days.One see oposite of it in pakistan,where cases remain unsolved throughout the life.

So if pakistan wants to become stable and secure .It should start process of speedy justice,otherwise survival is difficult.

inquilabi inquilaabi
About the Author: inquilabi inquilaabi Read More Articles by inquilabi inquilaabi: 2 Articles with 2186 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.