Hakeemullah Mehsud, the leader
of Tehrik-e-Taliban, perceived as Pakistan’s public enemy number one, was killed
last week in his own stronghold by an American drone fired from the other side
of the Durand Line. after the killing of hakeem ullah mahsud I think so Pakistan
and US relation get undermined. Because Political leaders within Pakistan who
ardently support the dialogue process with the TTP such as Imran Khan, have been
arguing vociferously to stop the drone attacks.
Will the killing of Mehsud further worsen the bilateral relations between the US
and Pakistan? Immediately after the recent drone attacks, including the one that
killed Hakimullah Mehsud, there is huge backlash within Pakistan. The drone
attack that has eliminated the public enemy number one within Pakistan is seen
as the biggest injustice that the US has inflicted! A section of the political
leadership, led by Imran Khan wants Pakistan to close down the NATO supply line.
Except for calling him as a “Shaheed” and flying the flag in half mast, there
seems to be an attempt to eulogize Mehsud and condemning US as a great Satan.And
this is a bigger challenge that Nawaz Sharif will have to face as the Prime