Student and politics

(Ribaha khan, Lahore)

Much dust of controversy has been raised round the question whether or not the students are qualified to take part in politics. Some people are of the options that politics must, under no circumstances, be allowed to divert students from their studies, while others believe that it is necessary for students to take a very active part in politics so that they may receive some training for the struggle that awaits them.

Politics have some point of views. According to the orthodox view, it corrupts the students’ mind, and degenerate his moral character; it develops in him a love of worldly values. By taking an active part in politics he neglects his fundamental duties of moral and intellectual advancement to which he is pledged as a student. According to revolutionary view, politics is one of the noblest gift of modern human knowledge. In a free country it is an important part of culture and education. To cut the students off from this new source in education is to deny democracy its true meaning, and to a country her own best. Those who take a moderate view of situation suggest that full facilities should be given to the students to study the political life. It is a great folly to regard politics as a forbidden subject to them and thus to keep them in dark about the various changes that are developing in their country. Political education should be important to them in their schools and colleges through debates, discussion, and lectures. But so far as their active participation in political life is concerned we must draw a line. Political knowledge is good for them but no political agitation. It creates in them undesirable excrement, disturbs their studies and hamper their moral and intellectual growth. So far as the student’s participation in the active political agitation is concerned, we must plea some limits on it. Political knowledge is one thing but political agitation another. The former means their intellectual advancement but the latter signifies their complete ruin. So long as they study political problem from a detached and dispassionate point of view there is no harms but moment they throw themselves into the heat and dust of active political agitation they contract numerous dangers to their personal and national life. On account of their impressionable age and heightened susceptibility to propaganda, they are likely to be easily deceived by interested groups and individuals of dubious political aims.

The students of today and the citizens of tomorrow. A student who begins to take too early an interest in practical politics does harm to his country and to his career. Therefore, he should make himself fit for the tasks before he joins the field of politics. A soldier who is not drilled and disciplined proves a failure if not a menace. Students may be encouraged to take an active part in social and constructive programmes that lie before the country. Such activities will not only provide the necessary and useful outlets for engaging their surplus energy and spare time but will also help them in building their character. They will create in them a sense of responsibility, a spirit of co-operation and fellow-feeling, and above all, teach them valuable lessons in initiative, discipline and leadership .

Ribaha khan
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