Zhuhai and Gwadar: The Newborn Twins

(Amna Malik, Islamabad)

Pakistan and China has long history of reliable and time tested relationship. PakChina friendship has been proved to be model of friendship between two neighboring states. Both states have strong political, defence, social and economic relations. The changes taking place in government of both states has not affected the relations. This friendship is based on the principle of equality and mutual interests in all the fields of life. Both states respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of each other. Both countries are giving much importance to their mutual relations in foreign policy.

Pakistan has supported China in many issues whereas, China has always provided us defence and economic assistance. In Pakistan China has and still is investing in the development of infrastructure, roads, highway, ports, and energy and communications sectors. Pakistan has always welcomed the Chinese investment for social and economic development.

Long before the establishment of political relation, trade relations have developed as part of bilateral scheme of international trade between china and Pakistan. China has actively pursued trade relations with a number of countries including Pakistan. The two countries have been involved in trade that signifies continued good relations. China has emerged as Pakistan's dependable partner. Pak-China relations expanded in various fields for achieving economic self reliance and stable economic position for Pakistan.

The trade between the two countries has a long history. China has constructed projects in Pakistan that are worth billions of dollars, while many more are in the pipeline. Chinese companies have decided to invest in Pakistan's energy, infrastructure, telecom, mineral exploration and banking sectors. The two countries have signed hundreds of agreements, contracts and memoranda of understandings on close co-operation in the recent past.

The most recent memorandum signed by both countries declares the Chinese city of Zhuhai and Pakistan’s Gwadar as ‘twin cities’. The MoU was signed by vice mayor Zhuhai Wang Qingl Li, chairman district council Gwadar Babu Gulab and Chairman Gwadar port authority Dostain Jamaldini in Gwadar. This is just another glorious example of sharing and friendship between both nations.

The two sides have undertaken several mega infrastructural projects in Pakistan such as the Gwadar Deep Sea Port, the Coastal-Highway linking Karachi with Gwadar, upgrading of the Karakoram Highway, the Chashma nuclear power plants, and a number of hydro-power projects.

China provides economic aid and military equipment to Pakistan, which is very important for Pakistan due to its border and relations with India. India - China relationship during sixties provides a good opportunity for Pakistan to get all type of assistance from China. Any change in Chinese policy and economic conditions would have great impact on Pakistan's economy, as China is the major financer of Pakistan's military and development projects. Any decrease in China's economic growth level can reduce the economic and military aid towards Pakistan. Pakistan needs China's help in developing the co-operation in economic projects like trade and energy.

Pakistan needs energy resources and nuclear power plants from China as Pakistan is facing the energy crises in the country. China can provide these kinds of energy resources to counter the energy crises in Pakistan with infrastructural development and economic aid. Chinese government has singed some sort of infrastructural development projects with Pakistan, which will benefit both countries in increasing trade and water management resources. High development percentage of China has produced a positive effect on Pakistani markets by providing cheaper goods than to American and European manufacturers. China's products are very much popular in Pakistani markets due to their prices and different choices in quality as according to people's need.

Today, apart from huge amount of unexplored oil and gas, Pakistan has 185 billion tons of coal reserves, which would be converted into energy to satisfy Pakistan's growing demand. Besides, Pakistan welcomes Chinese experts for the exploration of its oil and gas resources. Pakistan assured Chinese investors for special economic incentives like duty-free import of plant and machinery, exemption from sales tax and income tax. In spite of a stiff resistance from New Delhi and Washington, China has agreed to establish two nuclear plants as part of the civil nuclear energy program.

Further, the cultural exchanges between China and Pakistan have undergone a long history. It started more than two thousand years ago. Shortly after the founding of New China in 1949, the two countries began their diplomatic ties and have ever since maintained close and friendly cooperative relations in various fields like politics, economy as well as culture. The governments of the two countries signed The Cultural Cooperation Agreement between Pakistan and China on March 25, 1965, when the first executive program for the agreement was also signed.

China-Pak cultural exchanges and cooperation have made continuous headways ever since the diplomatic ties of the two countries have improved. Both countries have also carried out a number of fruitful exchanges and cooperation in art, literature, education, information, sports, youth affairs, cultural relics, archives, publications, health and women affairs etc. In the past half a decade, Chinese art troupes visited Pakistan many times including folk song and dance troupe, traditional instrumental music troupe and acrobatic troupe etc. and exchanges also took place in the areas like painting, handicrafts as well as puppet show etc.

In literature, quite a few writings from both sides have been translated into each other's language throughout the years. In TV and film, a special agreement was signed by the two governments in order to promote the cooperation in this field, and in mid 1980s several TV programs were jointly produced by two countries' TV channels including Affection on the Highway which captured the fondness from the people of both countries.

China-Pak educational exchanges and cooperation have developed a lot too over the past years. Now China annually offers scholarships to Pakistan while Pakistan in return also offers scholarships to students from China. From the year 2003, Pakistan Higher Education Commission started a special project where qualified students would be selected to explore their doctor's degree in China on government-financed basis. Many such students have been sent under this project. Apart from the above, annually around 500 self-financed students in Pakistan now go to China to study medicine, electronics and engineering technology etc., and the Chinese students who come to Pakistan for self-financed study are also in a big number every year.

The friendship between China and Pakistan had beyond the government relationship, it widespread to common people of both countries. So, no matter who becomes leader of China and Pakistan, they would surely follow the will of common people.

Amna Malik
About the Author: Amna Malik Read More Articles by Amna Malik: 80 Articles with 68712 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.