We are not Humans

(Qurat Ul Ain, BahawalPur)

We are not Humans!
Am not human!!
You know why? ….because I am very scared of those who may usurp my life.

It’s not only my fear; it’s also yours and all those who don’ have courage to stand in front of an evil.

On 16 December 2014, a very hurt-touching incident happened in the history of Pakistan; it was the Peshawar Attack where countless innocent lives were killed so badly that I can’t describe. Because I am too weak to write the pain of those parents who lost their children. The majority who died in the Peshawar Attack were 132 School Children ranging between eight and eighteen year of age.

Now the Question is: why those innocent lives were punished and for which crime?

Did those children do something wrong with the terrorist? I don’t think that an 8 years child could do something wrong for which he was killed. Then what do you think our Leaders have some issues with these terrorist? Whatever the causes may be, when we identify the reason of this Attack we will be just dumb and silent why is it so? Simply because we are scared of Taliban our leaders who are running the country with huge population, have military power but still we are unable to enter those areas where these terrorist are thriving. Suppose, it’s hard to overcome those areas but we know the names of those who were directly involved in the Peshawar Attack; such as, Mullah Umer, Abu Shamil, Wazir Alam Heratand some others known to the ISI.

I just want to know why we are unable to reach them. What hurdles are holding back the ISI, CID and military? Is our fear bigger than the lives of innocent lives? On Eid-ul-Fitr when I was watching those shows wherein the parents of those innocents Children were invited, it was too hard for me to hold back my tears when I heard these words from a mother that on this Eid there is none to hug me so tight and say Eid Mubarak Ammi! Because my Angel is in the heaven on this Eid. It was too hurt-touching to express in words.

I just humbly request the Military and the Honorable President of this country that when you condemn this heinous Attack it’s not at all enough because your words can’t heal the pain of those parents who have lost their loving kids but your actions can heal it to some extent. We want those Terrorist who mercilessly killed the angels of many mothers to be severely punished!

If you are still scared of Taliban then I must say we are not at all human!

Qurat Ul Ain
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