As claimed by the US Government
the operation “ Geronimo” against Bin Laden conducted a few kilometers away from
Abbot Abad, on night 01/02 May 2011 proved successful in the sense that Osama
Bin Laden was killed on the spot by bullet wounds; one in the chest and the
other in his head. A few other persons were also killed by the assailant
American Marines. Laden’s dead body was taken to Baghram Air Base, Afghanistan
and subsequently while being taken to USA, was buried into the sea. The
operation was monitored by President Obama directly from USA. It was kept secret
even from Pakistan Govt. her Intelligence Agencies and Pak Army on the plea that
the targeted persons could have slipped away.
The innocent Americans, rejoicing over the apparent outcome of the operation,
have once again been befooled by their leadership. In a very short span of less
than 20 years they have been befooled four times: on the issue of “Weapons of
Mass Destruction” held by Iraq (After a thorough search not a single weapon was
discovered); blowing of “World Trade Center” by Osama Bin Ladan (Western
research analysts did not take long time to unearth that the Twin Towers were
demolished through a well conceived and beautifully executed plan by Mosad of
Israel.); hanging of Saddam Hussain of Iraq on Eid Day (Utter disregard to
religious norms of Muslims) and; a very quick disposal of Osama’s dead body by
throwing into the sea (Neither any religion allows such disposal nor such
disposal was ever thought of by a king/patriarch/commander of any
victor/vanquished force before, during or after the battle) on the plea that his
grave would have later on turned into a shrine (What a fear!). The Americans,
under their leadership, have set new records in their history. The Americans
were given assurance about capture of Osama within six months of entry in
Afghanistan in 2001. The dream, after lot of humiliation, apparently proved true
in May 2011! Many contradictory statements regarding details and sequence of
events of “Operation Geronimo” are in the air. The dust will settle down soon
and new facts contradicting the Government version would emerge. May be once
again the Americans realize that their leaders, as ever, have lied.
The Americans leadership feels that above acts will bring harmony between
followers of two religions: Christianity and Islam! General Patrias’ recent
statement that third war would be fought in Pakistan has in fact unveiled a
great danger i.e. every nook and corner of Pakistan would be searched to
eliminate so called sanctuaries of “Al Quaida” exactly as was done to find
“Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq. This search, besides bringing disgrace to
sovereign Pakistan, would be for the sites where nuclear weapons have been
stored. There is a definite need that every sensible Pakistani should be made
alive to the dangers in the near future. Time is short bur art is long. Would
the leadership rise to the occasion? Left to the judgment of every sane
Presently the Muslim Ummah has no dearth of religious stalwarts, khateebs,
muftis, preachers of Islam, fiery speakers, research scholars, kings of oil rich
countries, heads of the states, presidents / prime ministers enjoying heavy
public support, eminent engineers/doctors/scientists, leading jurists/ analysts,
well reputed persons from all walks of life, and abundant natural
resources.However, they lack unity of thought and the realization that the only
way out to get out of the disgraceful situation they are passing through, is
shedding off the fear (The jubilant West is celebrating the Death of Osama as a
great achievement. The Muslims, with the exception of very few, instead of
calling his death as SHAHADAT, termed it as HALAKAT- a word used by Allah
Almighty for those who earned His wrath, and were killed through collective
punishment / or would be dealt with severely in the life hereafter.) of being
pushed to the Stone Age - a threat given by USA to the then President Musharraf
before conducting operation in Afghanistan in 2001. The chain of events in some
of the Muslim countries is indicative of the change whereby the timid, corrupt
and indifferent leaders toeing the line of USA/West would be replaced by
patriot, honest and from middle class thoroughly committed to the service of
their masses.
The Talban in Afghanistan (pitched against the combined forces and Islami
Jamhooria Pakistan providing Logistic Support / full cooperation to the
Coalition forces) have proved that it is the unwavering Trust in Almighty Allah
which is producing results much beyond the human imagination. Their activities,
over the last 15 years against the Coalition forces equipped with the latest
technology in armament, intelligence gathering, propaganda techniques and system
analysis have borne fruits beyond proportion. The loss of lives and equipment of
Coalition forces in Afghanistan during last one and a half decade have been
hidden from the public only because it would have brought the Governments under
serious criticism, besides raising fingers on the performance of military
Let there be no suspicion left in the minds that the Western civilization,
headed by U S A, despite her scientific and technological advancement, is not
capable of winning war waged against Islam. The twisting / hiding of the facts
by the US leadership about their losses in Afghanistan, the contradictions in
the Holy Bible, the superstitious beliefs of the Christians, the unnatural
foundation the Christianity is standing on, ever weakening bondage of the family
unit, and ever increasing thirst of the Christians for the Truth, will soon make
this civilization crumble.
The West is illumined that the dreadful end can be avoided by weakening Islam
through use of force by those in politics and profession of arms, and satanic
efforts by the clergy like that of Pastor Tarry Jones. However, the West will
soon realize that there is no comparison of homosexuality with natural course to
satisfy sexual urge; nudity and vulgarity with chastity; the unharnessed
liberalism with the moral values of Muslim society; Bushism / Obamaism (Shedding
of Muslim blood) with Jihad; Trinity with Monotheism; the ringing bells of the
church with Azan (Call for prayers; five times a day) from mosques; immoral
pursuits of the priests with chastity of the Muslim scholars; and the nuns
leading forced bachelor life with the Muslim women enjoying right of marriage.
Islam, with a far superior ideology, like the past, is certainly capable of
bearing the present onslaught. The “Clash of Civilizations” will certainly doom
the inferior ideology. The Truth will, as ever, emerge out of this clash. Should
the West accept the reality (Islam) or continue harping on Jews’ tune and let
itself wear out in the on-going war called the “Clash of Civilizations” and thus
meet the destined end?
A HUMBLE REQUEST: Please send this article to your friends, especially
professors / teachers, doctors, khutbaa / aimma karam, men of eminence and
influential personalities.