Wisdom Will Prevail

(sarwar, lahore)

The excerpts from speeches delivered by Maulana Tariq Jamil at various places in no way contain the slightest element of sectarian teaching. On the contrary his speeches are full of advice for love of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), unity among the various sects of the Muslim Ummah, respect for others even non Muslims as human being, adherence to the teachings of Islam and eradication of ills prevalent in our society. He is a great preacher of Islam and at no stage has spoken against any Maslik. In fact lectures by Tabligi Jamait are welcomed by many non Islamic countries who invite them to visit their prisons. They think that such lectures have helped mending their anti social elements thereby harnessing the crime rate in these countries. The Tabligis, in a way, also act as Ambassadors of Peace, improving Pakistan’s image throughout the world. Till today they have neither been burden on national exchequer nor involved in corruption cases.

Utilization of free of cost services of the Tabligi Jamaat would have helped Government in improving the deteriorating law and order situation, controlling the ever increasing secular, ethnic, sectarian feelings, and curbing the sentiments of provincialism. It is a matter of great distress that the Punjab Government, instead of encouraging activities of Tabligi Jamaat in the country in general and providing maximum facilities to them in arranging their activities in Educational and Government institutions in particular, has to the contrary, posed restriction on their entry / activities in the University of the Punjab. It is feared that the Advisors to the Punjab Government will try to get this order extended to all the Auqaaf mosques and educational institutions as well. And may be soon the Government employees are forbidden to attend any sort of Tableegi congregation in future.

Pakistan, a special and unique piece of land, with best geographical location, with all the potentials of leading the Muslim Ummah, was bestowed to the Muslims of the Sub Continent as a gift, for their sacrif ices (the biggest migration in history - 2, 00, 00, 000 human beings had to leave their homes, 50, 00, 000 Muslims gave their lives, 63, 000 Muslim women / young girls were snatched by non Muslims and the others suffered to the limit) extended over nearly two centuries. Our forefathers, before Independence, made a firm commitment that Allah’s Order would form basis for running the affairs of the country. We betrayed!! We failed to stick to our promise with Allah. We have been betraying, and now hardly any politician or even Muslim Leaguers ever talk of enforcing the Islamic system in Islami Jamhooria Pakistan!!

Last year P.M. Nawaz Sharif, during his visit to Nepal, held secret meeting with Moodi, the PM of Bharat, one of the top ten terrorists of the world, and a Mad man. At one occasion during visit to Bharat, Nawaz Sharif expressed that “only a line separated the two countries otherwise we (Pakistanis and Bharatis) are the same as far as civilization, culture, rites, customs, and habits are concerned!!” What an effort to negate the Ideology of Pakistan, and undermining the struggle / sacrifices of millions of Muslims of the Sub Continent for a separate homeland!! Nawaz Sharif expressed the desire of turning Pakistan into a Liberal Pakistan (Negation of the Two Nation Theory and Ideology of Pakistan as envisaged by Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid -i- Azam!!). His Party members without deliberating on the "Purpose of creation of Pakistan" have become mouth organ of Nawaz Sharif and prove that our leaders had thought of a democratic, liberal, progressive, secular Pakistan ( Nawaz Sharif and party are busy in distorting facts).

The politicians mostly immature, corrupt, tax evaders, selfish, short sighted, addicted to lust of authority/accumulation of wealth, protectors of anti social elements, are busy in mud splashing and running after personal gains. They can discuss, argue, deliver speeches and moral sermons on every topic less Islam. They are dreadful of this Code of Life because it imposes certain restrictions on them and makes them accountable to the State/masses for their deeds.

Allah the most merciful, through warnings, some time in quick succession, in the form of Natural Calamities and other grave problems like Earth quakes, Floods, Drought, Dengue, Fires, Target killings, Murders, Terrorist Attacks, Atmosphere of Fear, rampant corruption, increased street crimes, deteriorating performance in every walk of life, has desired that we mend our ways and fulfill our Commitment made on Creation of Pakistan!! But we have closed our eyes - the Judiciary, the Government Functionaries, the PEMRA, the Ministry dealing with Education, the Media, the Politicians, the Law Givers, the Conscientious Muslims, the Religious Stalwarts, all are sleeping.

Since many years the country is passing through a very critical situation. Pakistan, besides suffering huge loss in terms of Military equipment (wear and tear of vehicles, weapons, ammunition), over stretched and increased commitments of Armed Forces due to foreign intrigued terrorist activities, financial losses and extraordinary burden on national infrastructure, has sacrificed over 50,000 human lives since we provided Logistic Support to Us for military action in Afghanistan. We are bleeding, We have many hidden enemies. The nefarious activities of the terrorists have been harnessed to a great extent. However, our potential enemies are at the look out to exploit the weakness. Bharat's involvement in terrorist activities in Baluchistan and Karachi in particular and other parts of Pakistan in general and repeated serious threats by Indian leadership are on record.

Under the prevailing situation we need a motivating force which could foster our faith in Allah, knit us into a coherent entity, educate us to shun all types of prejudices and inspire us to stand against all odds. This can easily be achieved through the good efforts of ever available Tabligis - a force roaming about, at their own, and going to every nook and corner of Pakistan. Alas! The Advisers to the Ruling Junta have their nefarious designs. They want to make "Sharif Brotheraan" unpopular by hurting the religious sentiments of Pakistanis. I am sure wisdom will prevail.

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