
(Sania Nazir, Rawalpindi)

The state of our country is in crucial stage. Our prime minister don't miss even a single chance to hide himself from these circumstances. From public point of view, he should confront the general public in the matter of Panama leaks. On the contrary he takes the way of escapism to make no confrontation. We talk about democracy, justice, accountability and transparency. But where does the accountability go when it is needed? It's just for those people who are already accountable. For our prime minister, to confront accountability appears to seem like a Herculean task. He appears to be interested in tours. It's pity that our people haven't yet awaken from slumber.They don't have any interest in national affairs.They don't make efforts to check governmental issues.I don't understand why are the people wholly not interested about this matter. On the other hand, Our judiciary is no less than our people. They have forgotten that "justice delayed is justice denied". They just know how to beat about the bush. Democracy is called a government of common people. But it doesn't seem our government is a government of common people. It doesn't seem even a democracy. It appears to us a dictatorship. Where no one is allowed to check the dictator. He is free to do what he wants to do. But he'll do what he wants but very miserably what we will do. I think we have one way out of this labyrinth, and that is by not thinking any more about this issue. We will also have to find escapism to not take no trouble on our part.We should not jolt our minds to think but to keep calm and relaxed , because we think it's not the matter of our interest. This matter, in my sense, doesn't matter. To my part, ignorance is bliss.

Sania Nazir
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