We Make This Country Corrupted

(Laila Siddiqui, Karachi)

We all on daily basis curse our politicians about having corruption and lack of everything. Indeed mostly politicians are highly corrupted and not genuine to their people but we've forgotten that ALLAH has told us that he'll give us the leaders as same as the public would be.

This is the point people need to realize that cursing politicians for doing nothing, is actually doing nothing. Politicians have their flaws and dishonesties on one hand but we THE PUBLIC is no flawless. The only difference is politicians do corruption collectively on large basis and we are corrupting this country individually on small basis daily.

Firstly we do not obey or respect the rules made for the welfare of our country. In every field of life it is clearly seen that people break laws and bribe the law staff ,This way we people are corrupting our own country.

Secondly everyone is corrupting with their own capability. The people having stores, shops and even carts are doing their work with dishonesty on daily basis. Water is being mixed in milk and prices are being doubled without any increase in production, this is something we are doing, no politician or leader is involved in this. From housewife to the ruling leader ,corruption is in everyone but only the ways to corrupt are different.

The thing we ought to apply to ourselves is to make sure that whatever others are doing but at least we individually are not corrupting and harming this country's strength. Like public like politicians. So if you curse your leaders for corruption then do curse yourself too.

Laila Siddiqui
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