Lawyer's Long March

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

Premature end of Lawyer's Long March

Frankly speaking and not sanctifying someone, the nation had staked a lot with the lawyer’s movement, and it whole heartedly supported it. Especially the attitude of the Pendiites reminds us of the sit in (dharna) of Qazi Hussain Ahmad of 1996.

But we were astonished at the morning of Saturday, June 15, when the top story of the newspapers and news websites was that the lawyers ended their Long March and Itizaz Ahsan left the parade ground.

A lot many questions begin to rise in our mind about all this. We have attached so many hopes to this Long March, and we were sure that its culmination will be nothing else than the restoration of the judges. It is reported that some of the lawyers had brought ration for weeks. It means they were sincere to their noble cause.

When he refused to contest the by elections from Rawalpindi, Itizaz Ahsan has occupied the top most position in the heart of the entire nation. But at the pre-mature end of the Long March this liars- stricken nation also fears lest it will be left in the lurch and the lawyers’ movement will meet a sad end. He can once again restore his position by resigning from the party of Zardari who is violating the mandate of Feb.18 elections.

Keeping in view the track one years’ record of the lawyers movement, when baton charging, tear gases and even suicidal attacks could not detract them from their chosen path—independence of judiciary and restoration of the deposed judges—the argument of confrontation seems to us naïve and an absurd one.

I think Itizaz Ahsan too could not bear the pressure of the washed man of NRO plus the agents of modern day pharaoh. Otherwise civil society, political activists and sincere lawyers in the leadership of Ali Ahmad Kurd had burnt all their boats.
Fortune comes once in life. If captured, it will befriend you for ever. And if mishandled, like in the lawyers’ Long March, it will never come to you again. You call this only the first phase of your movement but you cannot bring 50, 0000 people to Islamabad again.
In such like circumstances, those who are working for others, who are not sincere to their cause, hit the nail on the head. And the friends of the washed man of NRO did it.

I think our lawyers not only wasted the resources of the civil society but also beguiled the political parties who had staked all their resources at their disposal. Had the political parties (APDM) started movement on their own perhaps they could do better especially Qazi Hussain Ahmad having the experience of 1996 sit in (dharna) by bringing some fifty thousands people in Islamabad.

Having the government of Punjab as shackles in his feet, Nawaz Sherif will keep continue meeting with the washed man of NRO, Zardari and nothing will come out of these meetings. When these lines are being written, another of their meetings have ended in nothing in the farm house of the man in Raiwind who was weeping before the nation during his election campaigns to support him for the restoration of Iftikhar Chudry and his co-judges.

Now the only ray of hope lies there with APDM, if they showed some solidarity with the nation’s desire, otherwise all is clear to this unfortunate nation.

Abu Shahab
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