Punjab Gov’t versus Sindh Gov’t

(Manzoor Hussain Rajper, Karachi)

I am writing this letter in relation to the current situation faced by almost all the Pakistan. Yah, I am talking about the floods. Where the floods affected all the Pakistan, the Sindh and Punjab are most affected provinces. Sindh being on last flow to the water is bad is badly affected. Even the floodwater is still in areas and in small towns. The surveys and estimates declared Sindh most affected of all. Even though the Sindh is so badly affected, the Sindh Government’s actions are quite disappointing. If we contrast the situation in relation to taking steps between Punjab and Sindh, Sindh seems quite poor in performance so far. Count the steps that Punjab made and Sindh did not:
• Arrangement of donors conference
• Arrangement of second donors conference
• US announces a special package of support on Punjab’s education
• The Saudi Arabia’s special packages for Punjab
• The recent summits of CM Punjab with the well beings of province
• Etc.

These are some more actions too that Punjab took but Sindh did not pay attention to those. In addition, you must have noticed that the role of political parties and civil societies have been seen much more for Punjab. As N-League is in coalition government with PPP in Punjab, the combined efforts of Federal Gov’t and Punjab Gov’t in Punjab is observed much more in any other province. Besides, the N-League chief, Q-League, PPP, PTI, MQM, role of media channels and some welfare organizations has been seen observed much more than any other province. This is due to the vital efforts of Punjab Gov’t. Recently, some UN report was appeared which declared Punjab Gov’t as best in action in this occasion.

I belong to the Sindh province and I have not seen such significant efforts of Sindh in this regard. But in contrast, we have seen the unfair policies like punishments to flood affected in camps, disputes on cuts on river, strikes of flood affected before CM house and Assembly etc. I think this was the time to regain the lost image of leaders before their people but the Sindh Government’s role is before you. I appeal to the people concerned and especially president of Pakistan that, please still there is a time to do something more, before you are too late. There is need to see the Sindh with concentration, as people here already are much backward than people of Punjab. Moreover, if this time we ignored them they will be pushed back to more 20/30 years.

Manzoor Hussain
About the Author: Manzoor Hussain Read More Articles by Manzoor Hussain: 19 Articles with 13498 views An auditor cum journalist type professional student... View More