CPEC vs East India Company

(Muhammad Aized, Lahore)

About four centuries back, in 1600, East India company was established. The alleged objective of establishing it was to develop economy and trade between Britain and sub-continent. But the actual purpose was camouflaged i.e: capturing India. It turned out to be the triggering point for the complete ruination of Indians. They entered like sugar but had to be swallowed like venom.

It is a grim tale of 16th century. We are living in 21st century, a modern era of technology and robotics. But unfortunately, human minds have evolved little. Hunger, greed, enmity, complex of superiority and survival of the fittest are still our problems. Now, looking CPEC in the current scenario demands a pragmatic approach uninfluened by emotions and feelings. What are the pros and cons of it? Is it going to be an economic or a defence corridor? These questions ought to be answered by competent authorities.

We need to know that what we have given as mortgage, as a result of Chinese investment worthing $54 billion. And if not, what are the stakes? I am the biggest supporter of CPEC but not with closed eyes. It is the legitimate right of our nation to question about our future. The rapid influx of Chinese nationals to our land in alarming. National interests come first and sentiments second. Our generations are not to work as labourers at the side walks of Karakoram highway. It is our land and our right first.

It is a burning question and should be addressed with the same spirit. The loop holes and mistakes of history are to be corrected, not to be ignored. It should be a game changer for the whole Pakistan, not for a particular class only. Chinese officials prefer to work with government rather than private sector's investers. Is it some sort of trust factor or something else? The ultimate result of CPEC should never be like East India Company. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Muhammad Aized
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