C Meaning in Urdu
The word "C" means انگریزی حروف تہجی کا تیسرا حرف (Angrezi huroof e tahajji ka teesra hurf) in Urdu. Synonyms for C include Carbon, Celsius, Centigrade, Centred, Century, Cocaine, Coke, Coulomb, Hundred, Snow. Additionally, common words starting with the letter "C" include Cab, Cabbage, and Cabin.
- C 1 symbol for concentration.
- C 1 symbolfor the prefix centi.
- C symbolfor the set complex numbr.
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Definition & Meaning in English
- () The keynote of the normal or "natural" scale, which has neither flats nor sharps in its signature; also, the third note of the relative minor scale of the same.
- () As a numeral, C stands for Latin centum or 100, CC for 200, etc.
- () C is the third letter of the English alphabet. It is from the Latin letter C, which in old Latin represented the sounds of k, and g (in go); its original value being the latter. In Anglo-Saxon words, or Old English before the Norman Conquest, it always has the sound of k. The Latin C was the same letter as the Greek /, /, and came from the Greek alphabet. The Greeks got it from the Ph/nicians. The English name of C is from the Latin name ce, and was derived, probably, through the French. Etymologically C is related to g, h, k, q, s (and other sibilant sounds). Examples of these relations are in L. acutus, E. acute, ague; E. acrid, eager, vinegar; L. cornu, E. horn; E. cat, kitten; E. coy, quiet; L. circare, OF. cerchier, E. search.
- () The "C clef," a modification of the letter C, placed on any line of the staff, shows that line to be middle C.
- () C after the clef is the mark of common time, in which each measure is a semibreve (four fourths or crotchets); for alla breve time it is written /.
Urdu Meaning with Definition
is an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts.
meaning in Urdu is a
انگریزی حروف تہجی کا تیسرا حرف -
Angrezi huroof e tahajji ka teesra hurf.
word is driven by the English language.
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