English Words Starting with D

If you want to use the Roman Urdu to English dictionary starting with D, then it is here. Now, you do not need to worry about the English translation of several words. If you are facing any problem regarding typing in the Urdu language then here you can utilize a Roman Urdu to English dictionary. This Roman Urdu to English dictionary starting with D is good in this regard.

English Words Starting with D with Meaning & Translation

English Roman Urdu
Do Karnaa کرنا
Date Of Birth Tareekh e padish تاريخ پيدائش
Dick Mardana azoo tanasil مردانہ عضو تناسل
Desperate Mayoos kun مایوس کن
Disgusting Qabil nafrat قابل نفرت
Divine Rabani ربانی
Despite Bawajood iske باوجود اس کے
Deserve Haqdaar hona حقدار ہونا
Deed Faal فعل
Description Wazaahat وضاحت
Disease Baymaari بیماری
Designation Uhda عہدہ
Damn Laanat karna لعنت کرنا
Doubt Shak karna شک کرنا
Desire Khoaahish خواہش
Determined Pur azam پُر عزم
Dude Nafasat pasand نفاست پسند
Defloration Asmat dari عصمت دری
Dream Khowab خواب
Dizzy Chakkar dana wala چکرا دینے والا
Dumb Gunga گونگا
Debit Qarz قرض
Diversity Juda gana جداگانہ
Destiny Taqdir تقدیر
Dynamic Harkat karti حرکت کرتی
Diplomatic Safarti سفارتی
Difficult Mushkil مشکل
Dear Azeez عزیز
Dignity Azmat عظمت
Date Khajoor کھجور
Decent Muhazib مہذب
Decade Dahai دہائی
Define Wazih karna واضح کرنا
Discrimination Farak فرق
Democracy Jamhoriat جمہوریت
Dare Dalayree دلیری
Ditch Garhaa گڑھا
Distinction Imtaiz امتياز
Did Kar liyaa کرلیا
Distinct Munfarid منفرد
Domain Daira iqtadar دائرہ اقتدار
Determine Tayaun karna تعین کرنا
Dispute Takrar karna تکرار کرنا
Destination Manzil منزل
Dominant Hukmran حکمران
Doe Mada ahoo مادہ آہو
Discrepancy Akhtalaf اختلاف
Dog Kutta کتا
Dispatch Rawana karna روانہ کرنا
Dump Chutkara hasil karna چھٹکارا حاصل کرنا
Dialogue Mukalma مکالمہ
Dilemma Dohri mushkil دوہری مشکل
Definition Tareef تعریف
Dimension Pamaish پیمائش
Due Wajib ul ada واجب الادا
Deficit Khasara خسارہ
Drug Jari boti جڑی بوٹی
Determination Irada ارادہ
Dictionary Lughat لغت
Deny Inkaar karnaa انکار کرنا
Devil Bhoot بھوت
Doing Karna کرنا
Demon Bhoot prait بھوت پریت
Delight Khushi karna خُوش کرنا
Demonstrate Tashree karna تشریح کرنا
Desert Chhorh dena چھوڑ دینا
Distinguish Shankht karna شناخت کرنا
Discretion Qowat e fasla قُوت فیصلہ
Disaster Aafat آفت
Detail Tafseel تفصیل
Deist Mohid موحد
Deliberate Ghor khoz karna غورو خوض کرنا
Decline Zawaal زوال
Dawn Fajr فجر
Deposit Amanat rakhna امانت رکھنا
Describe Beyaan karnaa بیان کرنا
Dictation Imla املا
Delicious Lazeez لذیذ
Depict Soorat bayan karna صورت بیان کرنا
Debate Mobahisa karna مباحثہ کرنا
Discipline Nazam o zabat نظم و ضبط
Domestic Gheralo گھریلو
Disobliging Bau murawat بے مروت
Descendant Kisi olad se hona کسی اولاد سے ہونا
Debt Qarz قرض
Die Halaak honaa ہلاک ہونا
Deponent Gawah گواہ
Dwell Basnaa بسنا
Delegation Wafad وفد
Dazzling Darakhshan درخشاں
Drain Paani kaa nikaas پانی کا نکاس
Death Wafat وفات
Dominate Ghalib hona غالب ہونا
Deaf Behra بہرہ
Demography Mardam shumari ka ilm مردم شماری کا علم
Disguise Bhays badalna بھیس بدلنا
Devotion Inthai khaloos انتہائی خلوص
Disposal Nazm o zabt نظم وضبط
Delicate Naazuk نازک
Duty Farz فرض
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English Words Starting with D

A rich vocabulary for children is also important for improving their communication skills. Start word lessons at an early age to help your children build a wide and diverse vocabulary. The best place to start is in the beginning, so help your children learn words that begin with D. It would not only help you in learning the new word but also improve your power of speech as the more vocabulary you know, the better you can communicate.

This is an amazing platform that allows you to find out Urdu to English dictionary and vice verse. However, these English words starting with D page would redirect you to enhance your English vocabulary without any cost. Stay tuned to get the latest and updated vocabulary starting with D.