Prawns with Dipping Sauce

Prawns with Dipping Sauce recipe is regarded as one of the most popular recipe of Pakistani cuisine. No dining table is complete without presenting delicious and aromatic Prawns with Dipping Sauce recipe. By following the Prawns with Dipping Sauce recipe as it is listed will get you perfect taste. Above is the Prawns with Dipping Sauce recipe by which you can make Prawns with Dipping Sauce easily anywhere around the world. All the ingredients & method are provided for your assistance. Enjoy the delicious of Prawns with Dipping Sauce recipes at

 Prawns with Dipping Sauce

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abdullah from lahore
  1. Ingredients:
  2. Prawns 1 packet
  3. For dipping Sauce:
  4. Ketchup 1/2 cup
  5. Vinegar 3 tbsp
  6. Garlic 1 tbsp
  7. Oil 3 tbsp
  8. Corn flour 2 tbsp
  9. Salt 1 tsp
  10. Soya sauce 2 tbsp
  11. Sugar 2 tbsp
  12. Water 2 cups
  • 1- Pan main oil garam kr ky prawns ko deep fry kr lyn.
  • 2- Diping sauce ky lye pan main ketchup , sirka, lehsun, namak cheeni, soya sauce aur paani daal kr ubaalyn aur 5 minute pakain.
  • 3- Is ky baad corn flour ko 1/2 cup main ghol kr sauce main shamil kryn. aur mix kr ky 2 minute tak pakain.
  • 4- Is ky baad prawns ko diping sauce ky sath serve kryn.
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