Chicken Karelay Recipe By Zubaida Tariq

Chicken Karelay recipe by Zubaida Tariq. This delightful Main Course recipe of Chicken Karelay can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.

Chicken Karelay Recipe By Zubaida Tariq

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0:30 - 0:15

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Chamkili from Islamabad
  1. Chicken  ½ kg
    Bitter gourd1 kg
    Ginger Garlic paste1 tbsp
    Saltto taste
    Chopped onion 2
    Red chili powder1 tbsp
    Turmeric 1 tsp
    White cumin1 tsp
    Yogurt½ tsp
    Tomatoes 3-4
    Oil½ cup
  • Add salt, 1 tbsp ginger garlic paste, 1 tbsp red chili, 1 tsp white cumin in yogurt and mix it. Marinate the chicken in this mixture for an hour.
    Clean the bitter gourd and cut it into small pieces.
    Add in 1 tsp turmeric and 1 tbsp salt in it and keep it for an hour in the sun.
    Take ½ cup oil in the pan and heat it for 2-3 minutes. Fry the chopped onion till it is golden brown. Then take it out.
    Add in the marinated chicken in the oil and add in the onion. cover the pan and cook it on the low flame.
    When the chicken is cooked add in the bitter gourd along with tomatoes and cover the pan.
     When the tomatoes are cooked add in green coriander. Cook  it on a low flame for 5 minutes and serve.
Reviews & Discussions

great recipe. My family enjoyed it. Will make it again and again. Thanks, Zubeida.

  • Viji Warren, Pleasanton
  • Wed 26 Feb, 2020