Crispy Apple With Caramel Sauce Recipe By Zubaida Tariq

Crispy Apple With Caramel Sauce recipe by Zubaida Tariq. This delightful Latest recipe of Crispy Apple With Caramel Sauce can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.

Crispy Apple With Caramel Sauce Recipe By Zubaida Tariq

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0:45 - 0:35

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Kashifa from Attock
  1. Apple  4 to 6
    White flour 1 cup
    Sugar 1 cup
    Brown sugar ½ cup
    Vanilla essence 4 drops
    Butter 1 small packet
    Cinnamon powder 1 tsp
    Lemon juice 2 tbsp
    Nut Meg powder 1 pinch
  • Peal 4 to 6 apple and mix 1 cup sugar, 2 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 pinch of nutmeg. Then bake it in oven on 150 to 180 degree. Then grease the baking tray and place the sugared apple. In a mixing bowl add 1 cup white flour, ½ cup brown sugar and 1 tsp roasted cinnamon to mix and place it on apple. In the end place small packet of butter and place it in oven for 30 minutes and serve.
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