Habshi Halwa Recipe

Habshi Halwa – Prepare delicious Habshi Halwa at home by checking the recipe online from this page. You can get the ingredients required for this recipe in your kitchen and can follow the method for perfect results. Do share your feedback after making it.


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  1. Milk 3 Ltrs
  2. Khoya 250 gm
  3. Sprouted Wheat 125 gm
  4. Sugar 1/2 Kg
  5. Ghee 1/2 Kg
  6. Saffron 1/4 tsp
  7. Kewra 1/4 tsp
  8. small cardimon 4-5
  • Mix wheat in milk well & cook on low heat, constantly stirring.
  • When milk is reduced to half, gradually put khoya, keep stirring, otherwise lumps may form.
  • A smooth mixture will be formed.
  • Add sugar & cook.
  • When it is thick again, add ghee & cook.
  • After 20-25 minutes, it will not stick to the pan & it will leave the sides.
  • At this stage sprinkle kewra, saffron mixed in little water, ground cardimon. Mix & take out & spread it in a dish evenly & cut into the desired shapes like diamond or square pieces.
  • Garnish with pistachios & almonds.
Reviews & Discussions

Do we have to grind the sprouted wheat?

  • Ska, Dubai
  • Fri 23 Nov, 2018