Jello Strawberry Mousse Cups Recipe

Access the most desirable recipes online posted on this page. You can prepare Jello Strawberry Mousse Cups online along with the required ingredients and method so you can note them and prepare it with ease.


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Urosa Syed from
  1. 1 packet Red jelly
  2. 1 packet green jelly
  3. 250 grams cream
  4. 1 tbsp gelatin
  5. ½ tsp vanilla essence
  6. 2 tbsp sugar
  7. Strawberries as required
  • Mix cream and red jelly powder together.
  • Mix the getaltin powder in little bit of water.
  • Now make green jelly and set it in a mold. And cut it in cubes.
  • Now put little amount of green jelly on the base of the glass and put the whipped cream on the top of it.
  • Now chill it in fridge. Serve with strawberries and jelly.
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