Chane Or Fruit Chaat Recipe in Urdu

Chane or Fruit Chaat is often used in Ramadan and Fruit Chaat is the main dish on Iftar Table. Here you can find the easy Chane or Fruit Chaat Recipe in Urdu. Recipe requires simple ingredients that are Apple, Banana, Guava, Chickpeas, and Salt or Spice. It is a delicious and healthy dish to enjoy in Ramadan. You just have to read the method carefully and follow the steps written on the recipe.


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Hifsa from Karachi
چنے اور فروٹ چاٹ (INGREDIENTS)
  1. سفید چنے ایک پاؤ
  2. کٹھا سیب ایک پاؤ
  3. امرود ایک پاؤ
  4. سرخ انار ایک عدد(چھوٹا سائز)
  5. کیلے 3عدد
  6. آدھے لیموں کا رس حسب ضرورت
  7. نمک ایک چٹکی
  8. لال مرچ چائے کا چوتھائی چمچ
  9. کالی مرچ ایک چٹکی
  10. کینو کا رس ایک پیالی
  11. چینی ایک کھانے کا چمچہ
  • چنے گلا لیں۔ سیب چھیل کر چھوٹے چھوٹے ٹکڑے کر لیں۔ انار کے دانے نکال لیں۔ امرود کے بھی ٹکڑے کر لیں۔ کیلے کے گول قتلے بنا لیں۔ پیالے میں تمام پھلوں کو مکس کر کے ڈالیں۔ فروٹ پر کینو اور لیموں کا رس ڈال کر ملائیں۔ چنے گلا کر شامل کر یں اور حسب ذائقہ نمک مرچ ڈالیں۔ چینی ڈالیں اور تمام چیزوں کو اچھی طرح مکس کر یں۔ نوٹ: کٹے ہوئے کیلے چونکہ کالے پڑ جاتے ہیں اس لئے انہیں پیش کرتے وقت مکس کر یں۔
Reviews & Discussions

I am following strict diet plan in Ramadan and want to continue it even after the end of Ramadan. Found this chane or fruit chaat recipe listed here. It is perfect for those on diet in my opinion.

  • Zara, Karachi
  • Mon 27 Jun, 2016

Due to the Chickpeas and some sweet and sour fruits the taste of Chana fruit Chaat is very lovely. Usually I use all the same fruits for making chana fruit chaat, I also get this recipe from hamariweb.

  • Hadya, Lahore
  • Thu 16 Jun, 2016

I love to eat delicious mix fruit chat recipe without cream with real taste of fresh fruits. If you add few boil channa in fruit chat then its taste is really good.

  • Erum, Karachi
  • Fri 10 Jun, 2016

Assalaam alaikum your recipes Chane or fruit chaat are just awesome. Recently I have discovered u on the I tried some of your recipes they were just awesome.

  • Farhana, Karachi
  • Wed 18 May, 2016

I want to know how this recipe of chane or fruit chat different from the rest of chat recipes. Anyways I have noted it down and will be trying it at home during Ramadan

  • Shagufta, Lahore
  • Mon 25 Apr, 2016


  • Tariq khooharo, Karachi
  • Thu 12 Nov, 2015

Fruit and Chana are great dish togther if you havent try this one must try out in this Ramdan.

  • Sahar, Mardan
  • Sat 20 Jun, 2015

Fruit Chat is good for health but a person should not include or add sugar in it.

  • Hashim, Islamabad
  • Wed 03 Jun, 2015

Fruit Chat is good for health but a person should not include or add sugar in it.

  • Hashim, Islamabad
  • Wed 03 Jun, 2015

Ramadan specialty is Fruit Chaat and the iftar table is not complete untill there is not Fruit Chaat on it.

  • Zara Hameed, Karachi
  • Mon 01 Jun, 2015