Murgh Choley Recipe in Urdu

Murgh Cholay is the specialty of Punjab. It is main course meal but is also preferred as a breakfast. You can enjoy Murgh Cholay at home. If you are planning to cook it, then we suggest you to follow our easy to make recipe of Murgh Cholay. Chick peas with chicken mixed with Masala and gravy gives it a unique yummy taste.

Murgh Choley Recipe in Urdu

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Mrs. Tahir Qureshi from Lahore
مرغ چھولے (INGREDIENTS)
  1. چکن ---- ایک کلو
  2. سفید چنے (ابلے ہوئے) ---- ایک پیالی
  3. ادرک لہسن پسا ہوا ---- دو کھانے کے چمچ
  4. نمک ---- حسب ذائقہ
  5. پیاز ( باریک کٹی ہوئی ) ---- دو عدد درمیانی
  6. ٹماٹر ( چوکور کٹے ہوئے ) ---- تین عدد درمیانے
  7. کالی مرچ پسی ہوئی ---- ایک کھانے کا چمچ
  8. دھنیا پسا ہوا ----- ایک کھانے کا چمچ
  9. سفید زیرہ ----- ایک چائے کا چمچ
  10. ہلدی پسی ہوئی ----- ایک چائے کا چمچ
  11. بناسپی گھی ---- آدھی پیالی
  • دیگچی میں بناسپتی گھی کو درمیانی آنچ پر دو سے تین منٹ کے لیے ہلکا سا گرم کر کے پیاز سنہرا فرائی کر لیں-
  • پھر ادرک٬ لہسن اور کالی مرچ ڈال کر ایک منٹ تک فرائی کریں اور ٹماٹر ڈال کر اتنی دیر پکائیں کہ اچھی طرح گل جائیں-
  • نمک٬ دھنیا٬ زیرہ٬ ہلدی اور چکن ڈال کر اتنی دیر بھونیں کہ بناسپتی علیحدہ سے نظر آنے لگے-
  • چنے ڈال کر دو پیالی پانی ڈال دیں اور ہلکی آنچ پر دس سے بارہ منٹ تک پکائیں
Reviews & Discussions

Murgh Choley it so yummy and tasty but it's looking so delicious.I make it and love the taste,it is very soft,Its really easy to make this homemade Murgh Choley. I try many recipes and found this recipes is quit easy and everyone like to eat.

  • maham , karachi
  • Wed 03 Oct, 2018

I like Murgh Choley so very much. I cooked this last thursday and love the taste, it is very soft , Its really easy to cook this homemade Murgh Choley.I try many recipes and found this recipes is quit easy.

  • aliza, karachi
  • Thu 27 Sep, 2018

ahaa….. Thank you sooo much for this recipe as I don’t have the idea to make murg choly at home and I always wanted to them at home. Now my dream of making murgh choly at home would come in reality.

  • Vakeel, khi
  • Fri 19 May, 2017

Trying new recipes is my hobby. I have been cooking since past 4 years now. I like to try out new and delicious recipes every time. I am going to make Murgh Choley pretty soon. Let’s see how it turns out to be.

  • Fatima, khi
  • Fri 03 Jun, 2016

Hello Ma'am, I am really really impressed by your way of cooking and explanation, my prayers are with you. May God give u long life and you guide us like this. my all friends are following your recipes now,and they are also fan of your. God bless you ☺

  • Muskan, Karachi
  • Mon 02 May, 2016

Many peoples make murgh gravy and the cholay both are separate in the bowl but for the good taste it is necessary to make it together while boiling chanay in the separate bowl, it enhance the taste.

  • tabassum, khi
  • Tue 10 Nov, 2015

The murgh cholay is the most delicious dish which I like, specially in the Sunday breakfast usually I prefer murgh cholay with paratha. My wife also learn how to make with this recipe.

  • naila, khi
  • Tue 25 Aug, 2015

Murgh Choley is the only dish I do not like to eat. Give me Choley gravy without the addition of Chicken in it I can eat it but not with Chicken.

  • Rubab, Lahore
  • Wed 19 Aug, 2015

Before mixing chany in the bowl of chicken is it necessary to boiled it? Here I see that in the recipe when you prepare the chicken gravy, you put some more water in the bowl with chanay and cook just ten minutes.

  • nousheen, khi
  • Fri 07 Aug, 2015

Every Sunday we make our holiday special for that i make some special and different types of deserts which is suitable for the refreshment, in the upcoming Sunday I will make murgh cholay which I learn today.

  • shaista, khi
  • Sun 02 Aug, 2015