Tahini Sauce Recipe

Grab a yumilicious bite of Tahini Sauce and mesmerize yourself in the world of taste. You can enjoy Tahini Sauce at home and get the essential information required to prepare the recipe at home with ease. Enjoy this amazing recipe with your family.


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sana from Karachi
  1. White sesame seeds 1 cup
  2. Garlic cloves 5 – 6
  3. Olive oil ½ cup
  4. Salt to taste
  • 1.Boil white sesame seeds and garlic cloves in water till water
  • dried up.
  • 2.Then add boiled garlic, sesame seeds, olive oil and salt to a
  • blender.
  • 3.Blend to form a smooth paste.
  • 4.Tahini sauce is ready to serve.
  • Note: Cooking Time: 10-15 minuts, Serving: 3-4 persons
Reviews & Discussions

This Tahini Sauce its so unique and tasty Its easily make Really very soft, Tahini Souce,I really loved these Tahini Sauce and make at home.I want make my family and that make it so good and delicious taste as like to eat.

  • nosheen, karachi
  • Wed 03 Oct, 2018

This very delicious taste the tahini sauce that having here with the every step by step so now we easily get make it by the following this easy method

  • zunaira, Karachi
  • Mon 01 Oct, 2018

This Tahini Sauce is really tasty dish ever that we make that easily Really very soft, juice, I really loved these Tahini Sauce it's really unique taste and make at home at last week.I want make my family and that make it so good and delicious taste as like to eat.

  • Mahira khan, karachi
  • Thu 27 Sep, 2018