White Sauce Recipe

Would you like to add a new flavor to your cuisine? If yes, then find the delicious White Sauce posted online on this page. Your dining table will be enlightened with the delicious White Sauce. Try it and do let us know how it turned out to be.


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jasmeen from Karachi
  1. • 1 tbsp butter
  2. • 1 tbsp plain flour (maida)
  3. • 3/4 cup milk
  4. • salt and freshly ground black pepper powder to taste
  • 1. Put the butter in a glass bowl and microwave on high for about 10 seconds.
  • 2. Add the flour and microwave on high for 20 seconds, stirring once in-between after 10 seconds.
  • 3. Add the milk and microwave on high for about 20 seconds. Do bot boil.
  • 4. Add salt and pepper.
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