Smallest Things You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

(Source: list25)

Size can expand from beyond microscopic to encompassing the entire universe and everything in between. What may be large to some organisms may seem small to others. For humans, small can be anything from the cells we can’t see with our naked eye to the miniature versions of larger things that we create with our own hands. So, we have compiled a list that encompasses all of these definitions of small. Here are the some Smallest Things You Won’t Believe Actually Exist.

Smallest Gun

The SwissMiniGun Miniature Revolver C1ST is no bigger than a key but is capable of firing tiny bullets at over 270mph. The first ones were made in 2005, are outlawed in the United States, and cost about $6,200.

Smallest Bodybuilder

Standing at just 2 ft 9 in. and weighing in at 21 pounds, Aditya “Romeo” Dev of India held the record for world’s smallest bodybuilder. He maintained that title until his death in 2012. Dev could shoulder press two 3.5 pound dumbbells as part of his workout routine.


Smallest Lizard

Also known as the dwarf lizard, the Jaragua Sphaero is the world’s smallest lizard and is typically found in Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic. It’s a type of gecko first discovered in 2001. It was immediately declared an endangered species. It measures .6-.8 inches long.


Smallest Car

Weighing only 150 lbs, the Peel 50 is the smallest car ever approved for street use. Built in the 1960’s, they are now rare cars that can go for $170,000.

Smallest Horse

Weighing less than a newborn, Einstein is the world’s smallest horse that isn’t affected by dwarfism. Born in 2010, this stallion is fully grown, measuring two feet tall, just a few inches taller than Thumbelina, another small horse whose height is due to dwarfism.

Smallest Teapot

Created by Wu Ruishen, the smallest teapot in the world weighs in at only 1.4 grams. This ceramic piece of tiny pottery was constructed in 2007 and travels throughout various museums in China.

Smallest Prison

Sark Prison, found on the Channel Islands between England and France, was built as a girl’s school in 1841 and was converted into a tiny prison in 1856. It has since aided in securing enemy soldiers during various wars and now is used to hold publicly intoxicated seasonal workers on its grounds from time to time.

Smallest Monkey

Native to the tropical rain forests of South America, the pygmy marmoset tops out at a weight of only 4 ounces. It is the result of two species that have evolved into one over the last three million years. These animals have been plagued by disease in recent years, making them vulnerable to becoming an endangered species.