Palm oil

Palm oil is an edible plant oil derived from the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm Elaeis guineensis. Palm oil is naturally reddish because it contains a high amount of beta-carotene (though boiling it destroys the carotenoids and renders the oil colourless). Palm nuts, the fruit of the African oil palm, are not much bigger than grapes and grow in large bunches. They are orange-red in color, and their pulp and oil give a distinctive color and taste to many African soups and stews. Palm oil is one of the few vegetable oils relatively high in saturated fats (like palm kernel oil and coconut oil) and thus semi-solid at room temperature. Like all other vegetable oils, palm oil has been legally designated as cholesterol-free. The oil is widely used as a cooking oil, as an ingredient in margarine, and is a component of many processed foods. Since palm oil is less unsaturated than such highly unsaturated oil as soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower oil, it can withstand extreme deep fry heat and is resistant to oxidation. Palm oil is a very common cooking ingredient in the regions where it is produced such as Africa and South east asia. Palm oil is a versatile, healthy, trans fat-free oil for cooking, frying and baking.
English Name : Elaeis , Guineensis

100 grams Palm Oli

Calories Fat Carbs Protein
884 100g 0g 0g

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