Virtual Job, A New Way of Working

(Muhammad Ali, Lahore)

Internet is most useful invention of this century. Every major field of work is transferred on INTERNET just because of its easy accessibility and large amount of data storage. We use INTERNET for different purposes like entertainment, communication, remote learning, telemedicine,e-government and many others. why did we never think about to use INTERNET to earn money. You will find many on-line jobs but 99% of them are scam. Today i will guide you about remaining 1% actual way of earning through.

You have banks in physical work for deposit and withdrawal. In the same way you must have an on-line bank. In my case it is You have to sign up on this site. On account site you have to select Personal Starter. You have to select the remaining form. You need to put every thing accurate because payment will be made through that entered information. You have to select a PIN of your own choice up to four digits like physical ATM cards. After account creation you have to open your e-mail and verify your account. Now log out from Now you have created an on-line bank account. open this link.You have to register and again verify your account through your e-mail. Now again come on this link and log in. After log in you will see head named "VIEW AD" or "SURF AD". click on this. you will see four ads and you have to click on each ad side by side. you cannot open all ads at the same time. only one ad at a time.

Follow the instructions on the page. Ad will be loaded in new tab. you have to wait till that time. when you have clicked on all the four ads, refresh your page and look on your account. it will show balance like that "0.04". Four cents are added on your account. After one week you would earn 25-35 cents per day on each site.

I am sending few more links like that. You have to follow the same procedure on them like this. Register, account activation, clicks on ad,and balance addition. You must log out after that.

Hope you enjoy the game. You can e-mail me on : [email protected] for any query.

Muhammad Ali
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