The Power of Verbal Intelligence

(Muhammad Jabran, Lahore)

Cover of the Book

Book Name: The Power of Verbal Intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your verbal genius

Writer: Tony Buzan
Reviewed by: Muhammad Jabran

Honestly, i have never exposed to such kind of Intelligence. Probably, because of the education system we have in an under developed country.

Tony Buzan, who is the master of mind mapping, explained different aspects of power of words. According to him, three important techniques to approach words were; roots, affixes, and suffixes.

He admired and pays tribute to Leonardo Da Vinci and said that he was the master of mind mapping and verbal intelligence. Using this verbal intelligence, he became polymath, the master of many arts.

This verbal intelligence book is fruitful in many ways. A reader can learn different tricks and tactics to improve his/her memory of words. It elaborates techniques to approach words in numerous ways.

There were many verbal games like “Unscramble Words” and “Guess the Words” presented in each chapter to test the mind of a reader.

It is a necessary book for those students who wanted to enhance their English vocabulary. It assists you to grasp ten simple techniques to become a verbal genius.

They look easy and simple but when you dive deep into the topics, it becomes more and more complex and interesting. Applying mind-mapping technique will help you to make the complexity seem manageable.

Muhammad Jabran
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I am M Phil Scholar In Media Studies. Previously, i have created many videos which are circulating all over Social Media.
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