Chinese respectable friends - 2

(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

Let me tell you that since the beginning Chinese worship One God which they pronounce Shangdi for Allah they say "Zhen Zhu".

Actually the Generation of Prophet Noah after the flood, he had three sons "Shem (Sam) Ham and Japheth (Yapheth) were born after the flood. The Bible refers to Egypt as "the land of Ham" in Psalms.78:51. Even today we can see the customs of old Egyptians, in the museums of Chinese countries like Mommies and the tomb of their kings, very similar to the Egyptian Ferrous (Kings).Making Pyramids was not possible for them so they have made underground tombs. Due to some reason the generation of Ham (An ethnic group Phoenicians') migrated towards the Far East. While migration when their fleets arrived at Maldivian Islands they broke their journey for few days and there they found Silica and so glass and glaze is the invention from Chinese. That was the time perhaps there was no revelation in term of papers or Book from Allah to His messengers'. Because of the migration, the Chinese (Ham/Han) did not found the alphabets, and since that time they are using the character i.e (Han Zi) ( 汉字) Chinese Character, but even then Chinese is the only language which has documented the Flood of Prophet Noah, and the history since then. We have no enmity with Han people. Prophet Noah son was drowned in the Flood because he did not obey his father and never seek refuge on the Ark (Boat).The rest three sons were Ham Sam and Yafath, born after the the flood. The three sons were having so many off spring, Prophet Ibrahim is in the generation of Sam and Yapheth was also having big family but two of his son Gog Magog(Yjooj Majoog) were the trouble makers for the mankind, Dul qarnain made a wall between the two mountains as narrated in Holy Quraan.

We are in the generation of Prophet Ibrahim he had two sons Ismail (we Muslims are in his generation) and Ishaq (Isaac). The Jews started their enmity with Ismail and his generation. The first and foremost difference between to two son that Muslim believe that the sacrificial sheep were sent from Allah for Ismail A.A. but the Jews twist to reality and claim that the sacrificial sheep were sent for Isaac A.A. Jacob A.A the son of Issac A.A was also named Israel so this name became the identity of Jews. Since then till today the Jews are enemy of the generation of Hazrat Ismail A.A. With the Chinese we do not have any problem like that and until 2500 BC the Chinese were worshiping only one God. In the Chinese History any one can find the same story of Adam and Eve as in our religion. At present there is a big population believing in Islam and many Chinese are opting Islam every day. This is and understanding between people and we think we all should approach to peace.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 92437 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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