Pakhtuns In Fetters

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

Those who spend corers of money in elections cannot voice for the rights of the public whom they have beguiled for their support through tall claim and shower of money.

We, the residents of Pakhtunkhawa are not alone that have to bear the yoke slavery of such kind of people, our society as whole suffers from this kind of mal practice in politics.

The present well wishers of Pakhtuns, who are enjoying power, pelf and property, what are the doing to safeguard the right of Pakhtuns in the country? Like our religious leaders in the leadership of Fazal Rahman, the champions of Pakhtuns’ rights have forgotten every thing and are blinded by the luxuries of powers.

We know that most of the food especially wheat is provided by the Punjab as due to poor management and lack of resources we have not been able to get the level of self sufficiency in this regard. Notwithstanding all this, our so called well wishers sided with PPP in the presidential elections and the first shock which was suffered by theirs this decision is that Pakhtuns will have to buy the 20 kg bag of flour for Rs. 620 because of the ban on wheat transport from Punjab.

Though, our champions save their luxuries in power by supporting Zardari, and of those who spent corers and corers in their elections but at the expense of Pakhtuns’ miseries who will once again suffer for two loaves of bread and will wait in long queues for hours in the month of Ramadan.

Our champions do not have the courage to ask the elder brother for all this and also threatens for the blockage of power supply from here if this step motherly treatment is meted out to Pakhtuns.

But why they will do so when they, after a long ten years, have come into power and every thing is available to them. Damn these unruly Pakhtuns!

Or if they would have abstained from the presidential elections we won’t have to face this kind of treatment.

Some people argue that Nawaz Sharif should have act as true Pakistani and ask his brother, the CM of Punjab not to have taken this action. They are right but when our own people are ignoring us for their luxuries then whey Nawaz Sharif should be blamed.

And these champions who were dying for the right of Pakhtuns during the last eight years are now openly supporting the massacre of Pakhtuns at the hands of American as well as our own army.

Nothing is left for Pakhtuns. Either they will have to join hand with those who believe in complete change or migrate to some other territory where they can lead a peaceful life away from the onslaught of the crusaders and where they are not beguiled by ‘red caped leaders’ or turbaned Mullahs.

Abu Shahab
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