Canada's Refugee policy, potential security threats.

(Fawad Ali Shah, )

Thousands of refugees object to Canada's a Group of Five (G5) Refugee sponsorship private program which is designed for refugees who have some Canadian citizen or a Canadian permanent residence holder as their acquaintance .But this program exclusively values those who belong to a religious group, including Ahmadis Qadianis and Christian communities. But what about those refugees who do not believe in any religion or who are Muslim, then what religious or social organization would sponsor such refugees in G5? The Canadian government should revisit and review the G5 Refugee Sponsorship private Program and make the program easy for immigrants who are not related to any Canadian national. Nowadays refugees who are fleeing their homes as refugees in other countries they have no one without God. their relatives and countrymen don't want to help them. Will anybody in Canada or its government be able to help them without knowing or dealing with them? The program also deals with human trafficking, as is the case with the majority of people living in Canada who have immigrated to Canada earlier as refugee. Through such a (G5) Refugee sponsorship private program, the gangs of human traffickers find and help economically strong refugees in various countries and deal with them for thousands of dollars and connect them to Canadian citizens, churches or refugees welfare organizations. Later then these Private sponsors move them to Canada. They also include people whose resettlement cases are rejected by many countries because of security concerns. but many refugees who migrate to Canada in (G5) Refugee sponsorship private program can also pose a threat to Canada's national security. No doubt the Canadian government is welcoming refugees with a deep human rights interest, but Canada's security screening policy for refugee is very weak. For example, if five Canadian citizens or permanent residence card holders sponsoring a refugee in the G5 program are white-collar criminals or if they belong to a terrorist organization, human trafficking gang or drug mafia then under such circumstances the Canadian government cannot do anything because it requires the guarantee of five Canadian citizens or permanent residences in the program. As a investigative journalist I know many families who have migrated to Canada by sponsoring themselves from a church or religious organization by making false stories of persecution and succeed in getting resettled there. Hundreds of people are wanted to Canadian government in various crimes because of Country's loose policies. According to Interpol data 57 Canadians are wanted, and many are also wanted to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in serious crimes, which seems impossible for the RCMP to detect. The majority of these individuals are foreigners who somehow entered Canada as immigrants or asylum seekers and committed crimes after taking citizenship there. because Canada's citizenship is of great importance to such people as they can travel around the world easily. It is a weakness of Canadian security agencies because the United States is also handling the same type of people, but the US visa and citizenship laws are related to the strict Security checks. In many cases it takes years to grant US citizenship to foreigners.According to a Pakistani intelligence source, Mr Ferid Ahmed Imam and Mr MaiwandYar wanted to Canadian police were spotted with some Afghan Taliban few weeks ago. They both have learnt Pashto and Dari languages and are now married to Afghan women so that they can roam around easily in order to pursue their Jihadi Agenda. They have been seen in the Pakistani tribal District Bajaur many times. The intelligence sources confirmed that both of them are involved in recruiting the youth For jihadi training in Afghanistan and later utilize their services for terrorist attacks on security personnel there through brain washing. It would have been easily countered if Canada has tightened its immigration policy by introducing strict security measures and proper background checks. Canada is considered as heaven on earth to its great people friendly policies and is respected by all people. But there are people who entered Canada at the pretext of being under fear of persecution but later they jeopardise its national security and defame its government. The glaring and recent example is that of a so called Pakistani refugee Mr Azhar Khan who is nowadays in the Immigration Detention Centre (IDC) Thailand. This person is wanted to Pakistani law enforcement agencies for his involvement in Illegal Arms and drug trafficking so in order to avoid his lawful arrest he fled to Thailand and succeeded in getting refugee status from UNHCR by narrating a concocted story of changing his religion. His case was sent by UNHCR Thailand to Canadian authorities for resettlement which is accepted now. So in the near future Mr Azhar Khan will be shifted from IDC Thailand to Canada. Such examples demand that Canadian authorities should introduce more changes in its G5 Refugee sponsorship private program due to security concerns so that terrorists and criminals cannot enter Canada through fraud, falsehood and deception. Canada is a heaven but it needs to be protected from criminal elements who can pose a threat to its national interests in the future days to come. If the Canadian authorities deem it necessary then this author is ready to personally help them in identifying such unscrupulous elements if contacted.

The writer is a senior Journalist He can be reached at [email protected] Mobile No, +60109301521


Syed Fawad Ali Shah
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