Obama on the warpath
(Mian Zeeshan Ahmed , karachi)
President Obama must have taken
leave of his senses when he warned that the US would launch another unilateral
operation inside Pakistan to take on a high value target. This was followed by
his statement that the information collected from the compound of Osama Bin
Laden will be used to carry out operations against Al-Qaeda, which in reality is
an another attempt to frighten our nation. Also, he made the ridiculous
statement that in considering India an enemy, Pakistan was at a fault.
Too eager to prove to the American public that he is the man of the hour
carrying the ‘White Man’s burden’, Mr Obama is frequently indulging in spewing
venom against Pakistan. But what the American pubic doesn’t seem to grasp is
that the demagogue they have brought into the Oval Office, -- while least
deserving of this honour -- is only endangering global peace and most
importantly the safety of the American public when he talks about launching more
unilateral strikes against Pakistan. There are consequences of every action and
while it should be clear that Pakistan is a peaceful state and bears America no
ill will, what Mr Obama should have no confusion about is the fact that the
backlash of his disastrous operations where they are hitting us, they are bound
to hit the US mainland one day. The danger to life and security of Americans and
the world therefore comes not from Pakistan but from Obama’s inadvisable
policies of global domination and aggression against us. He has become a docile
puppet in the hands of the American establishment and the CIA but keeping in
view his sabre-rattling against Islamabad, he has turned out to be no less
cunning than the proverbial fox to put a gloss on dreadful performance of his
administration regarding domestic issues and hence improving his chances of a
win in the next presidential elections. Obama must restraint his ambitions from
getting the better of his sense of proportion and at least act with the decency
that is required of a US President.