(Saim Asim, KARACHI)

As the world has changed, so has the battlefield for fighting war also change. The wars that used to be fought with the sword are now being wiped out in a completely different way, called the Fifth Generation War or the Hybrid War. Political War Warfare, Conventional Warfare, Irregular Warfare and Cyber Warfare Hybrid Warfare and employed military strategy are included in hybrid warfare.

When the Soviet Union was united. With the help of hybrid war technique USA easily destabilize the Soviet Union and many countries got independence with this war.In revenge, Russia attack USA through social media and human psychological attacks. In other hand China attack USA by its trade war.

Pakistan has been the victim of many wars since independence. In the past, Pakistan was also a victim of terrorism. There have been many terror attacks in Pakistan in which Pakistan has lost many soldiers and civilians.

Pakistan has been a victim of war from the beginning. But earlier in Pakistan wars were fought with conventional weapons but now it is very different. Attacks in Pakistan now take place in different ways, including civil war, political war, cyber war and trade war.

Currently Pakistan is facing two front war. which is Afghanistan from North West and India from East. India continues to violate Pakistan’s LOC violaions and also carrying out many attacks in Pakistan through hybrid war.

India is constantly attacking Pakistan, an example of which is Kulbhushan Yadav, who was captured by Pakistan through its intelligence agency. Kalbushan Yadav was an ex-officer of the Indian Navy who was working in the Research and Analysis Wing and was spreading terror in Pakistan. According to Pakistani officials, Kulbhishan Yadav was sent to destabilize Pakistan, which was here for the Balochistan and Karachi separation moment and destroy the main CPEC project which is very important for Pakistani people. India also attack in Pakistan through fake air strikes and make a fake propaganda through its news media who openly support fake news. The main role is playing by major Aryav Gorya to destabilize Karachi through human psycology. He was playing with human mind through social media and courage the people of Karachi for seprate province. As the report of ISPR which currenly present to the United Nation. As the report says that India make a huge propaganda to destroy the reputation of Pakistan in world by making fake webisites in which they write fake and false news about Pakistan as well as India fully support terriorist movement in Pakistan through its intelligence with the support of Afghanistan. India also submitted the fake evidence in European Union to destroy the image of Pakistan in world. The main target of India is Pakistan CPEC project which change the future of Pakistan. India also try to destroy it but with the help of Pakistan intelligence and army his project is safe and this project alsmos done.

This conclude that we are living in a war. Which is not fought with weapon but these war were playing with different strategies. We also called this war as world war 3 because the attack done by countries in grouping sequence but the difference is that in world war 1 and 2 the attack was done by conventional weapon but in todays war the attack was done by cyber secaurities, trade,political interfearence and many others ways to destroy the country.

Saim Asim
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