Health Benefits of Zeaxanthin
Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid that plays a role in protecting the eyes from the
harmful effects of oxidation and light-induced damage. Zeaxanthin is a
yellow-colored pigment found in the center of the macula. It is found in high
levels in dark green vegetables, orange and yellow fruits, and in the yolk of
eggs Basically, Zeaxanthin is carotenoid alcohol found in nature, it plays very
important role in xanthophyll cycle, an important process in plants for
photosynthesizing.Zeaxanthin is primarily synthesized by plants however, it is
also produced by some microorganism .
It is the pigment which gives paprika ( made from bell peppers ), saffron, corns
and wolfberries and many other plants and microorganism their characteristic
color. The name is derived from Zea mays ( common yellow maize color, in which
Zeaxanthin provides primary yellow color), plus xanthos a Greek word for yellow
Animals and humans get Zeaxanthin from plants, it is found , it is one of two
primary xanthophyll carotenoids present in retina of eyes ( second one is lutein
). Zeaxanthin supplements are also taken as support to eye health.
Health Benefits of Zeaxanthin :
1. Support to Eye health:Being an antioxidant Zeaxanthin has been found to keep
certain eye conditions at bay. Along with lutein, Zeaxanthin offer many health
benefits but specifically they can protect against eye damage and vision loss.
Many scientific studies have shown that Zeaxanthin and lutein are essential for
normal function of eye, especially in age related conditions.
Below are some conditions, where Zeaxthin may help :
o Age related macular degeneration (AMD)
o Cataracts
o Diabetic retinopathy
o Eye detachment
o Uveitis
2. Beneficial effects on skin:Studies have shown that antioxidant effect of
Zeaxanthin protect our skin from damaging effect of sun's ultraviolet rays. It
also play its role in protecting skin's cell from premature aging.
3. Defend our body against free radicals:Zeaxanthin and lutein are powerful
antioxidants that defend our body against free radicals and thus playing its
role in prevention and treating diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease,
diabetes , Alzheimer's diseases and many other chronic illnesses.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin protect our body’s proteins, fats and DNA from stressors
and can even help recycle glutathione, another key antioxidant , their
antioxidant properties may reduce the effects of “bad” LDL thus reducing risk
for cardiac diseases.
Along with lutein, Zeaxanthin also work to protect our eyes for damaging effect
of free radicals.
Sources of Zeaxanthin :Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Grapes, Corns, Peppers, and Egg
yolk are the best dietary sources