Modern medicine has demonstrated that sleep has essential physiological functions, and sleep deprivation has damaging effects on a number of bodily functions. Going to bed early and waking up early are strongly encouraged in Islamic culture. Sleep is a state where awareness to environmental stimuli is reduced. It is different from states of coma, hibernation and death by the fact that it can be rapidly reversed.
Sleep is an essential task that allows the body and mind to recharge, and alert when wake up. Sleep is involved in healing and repair of heart and blood vessels. Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and avert diseases. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly. This can decrease one`s abilities to concentrate, think clearly, and process memories.
The amount of sleep varies among individuals. The usual requirement of sleep is around 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Children and teenagers need substantially more sleep. A study by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)states that more than one-third of American adults are getting less than seven hours of sleep on a regular basis. Most experts agree that between seven to nine hours of sleep per night is optimal for adults. A recent National Sleep Foundation in America poll found that adults (ages 18-54) sleep an average of 6.4 hours per night on weekdays and 7.7 hours on weekends. Older adults (age 55-84) average seven hours of sleep on weekdays and 7.1 hours on weekends. The poll showed a downward trend in sleep time over the past several years. People sleeping less hours tend to use the internet at night or bring work home from the office, physical pain or discomfort in older adults.
There are many conditions, diseases, and disorders that can cause sleep disturbances. In many cases, sleep disorders develop as a result of an underlying health problem. Allergies, colds, and upper respiratory infections can make it challenging to breathe at night. The inability to breathe through nose can also cause sleeping difficulties. There are many different types of sleep disorders. Some may be caused by other underlying health conditions. The common ones are: Insomnia, Sleep apnea, Narcolepsy, Restless legs syndrome
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder which occurs due to loss of quantity (number of hours) and/or quality (depth) of sleep. Diabetes and increasing age are significantly associated with insomnia. Various studies worldwide have shown the “prevalence of insomnia in 10%–30% of the population, some even as high as 50%–60%. It is common in older adults, females, and people with medical and mental ill health. “Insomnia can manifest in several ways. Some may suffer from transient insomnia that usually lasts just a few nights. This is commonly caused by an emotional change, stress, anxiety, shift work or jet lag etc. Chronic insomnia lasts longer than a month. The symptoms of insomnia rarely require confirmed diagnosis. Insomnia can be problematic for overall health and quality of life, potentially causing depression, difficulty in concentrating, irritability, less motivation to be physically active can affect heart problem.
Sleep apnea, happens when airway gets blocked repeatedly during sleep, causing one to stop breathing for short amounts of time. Sleep apnea affects how much oxygen our body gets while we sleep and increases the risk for many health problems, including heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure.
Narcolepsy is a disorder that disrupts sleep-wake processes. Its primary symptom is excessive day time sleepiness. They may also suddenly fall asleep at any time, during any type of activity that can cause impairments in school, work, and social settings. Constant sleepiness also could lead to vehicle crashes and other accidents that could injure others and himself.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a brain disorder that causes an unpleasant and often irresistible urge to move the legs when sleeping.
Sleep deprivation can take a toll on one`s physical and mental health, and quality of life like, sleeping less than 7–8 hours per night is linked to an increased risk of heart diseases, heart failure, high blood pressure and stroke. People who sleep less than six hours a day are 30% more likely to become obese than those who sleep 7-9 hours. American Thoracic Society in a study found that women who slept for 5 hours per night were 32% more likely to experience major weight gain. Lack of sleep kills sex drive and ages skin. When one does not get enough sleep his/her body releases a stress hormone called cortisol. In excess amounts, cortisol can break down the skin's collagen. Sleeping is so important that, even one night of sleep deprivation can put a person at risk of illness or injury.
A healthy diet and positive lifestyle habits can help and ensure an adequate sleep each night. People can adopt some common ways to sleep well by avoiding stimulants (coffee, tea, soda, cocoa, chocolate), alcohol and tobacco and heavy meals for at least four hours before bedtime. Most people occasionally experience sleeping problems due to stress, hectic schedules, and other outside influences. However, when these issues begin to occur on a regular basis and interfere with daily life, it may be time to consult your doctor.