Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally

(Dr Waseem Razaq, )

J Written by: Dr. Waseem Razaq

Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally

What is the immune system?
It’s all the things that our bodies use to fight off infection: antibodies, cells and so many other things that keep us healthy. In general, the immune system does an amazing job of putting up with the harmless germs that live in us and on us while identifying and expelling those more harmful species that can cause illness and disease.

Think about winter when weather is so cold, you might be able to avoid a cold by wearing full protective equipment, but in the end the cold viruses will probably find a way to get you. There are so many viruses that have evolved to cause colds. It’s very difficult to see how we can ever defeat all of them. They spread from person to person via small droplets sneezed or coughed into the air, or by mucus that gets onto hands and onto surfaces. You can take sensible steps to decrease the risk of transmission, such as washing your hands and not sneezing or coughing over people.

How to Strengthen immune system?
You can improve and strengthen your Immune system just through following a healthy lifestyle instead of taking supplements and medications. Here are some tips and suggestions for maintaining a balanced immune system that can protect you this winter:

1. Practice good hygiene
Coming into a contact with a surface, object or a person that’s been contaminated with germs and then touching your mouth, nose or eye can lead you to picking up an infection. Wash your hands well before eating and always after the toilet, being in a public place or on public transport. Please note hygiene is vital for avoiding cross-infection.

2. Eat healthy and balanced diet
A proper diet can help prepare the body to better fight disease. Complete and balanced diet is combination of macro and micro nutrients, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Make sure to include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and beans,lean meat, poultry, fish and seafood, dairy products, nuts and seeds in your diet. Healthy fats and oils should also the part of your diet but moderation would be the key. Now we will discuss below very important vitamins, antioxidants and minerals with their food sources.

Vitamin C stimulates the production of white cells the key to fighting infection, citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, kiwis, red papers and many other fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant; helps widen blood vessels and keep blood from clotting within them, nuts, such as peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds, green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli.

Beta carotene functions as an antioxidant, a compound that helps defend your cells from damage caused by potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli contain high amounts of beta carotene. Beta carotene is also known as pro-vitamin A as Vitamin A is created with in the body creates from beta carotene. Vitamin A is known as an anti-inflammation vitamin and antioxidantbecause of its role in enhancing immune function, dairy products, liver, fish and fortified cereals are food sources of vitamin A. Beta carotene and Vitamin A are also good and essential for eye health.

Vitamin D has both anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties, oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel; red meat, liver and egg yolks are the food sources. It is very important to mention here that Vitamin D is often referred to as “the sunshine vitamin” because the sun is one of the best sources of this nutrient. Your skin hosts a type of cholesterol that functions as a precursor to vitamin D. When this compound is exposed to UV-B radiation from the sun, it becomes vitamin D, In fact, sun-derived vitamin D may circulate for twice as long as vitamin D from food or supplements.

Zinc is an important mineral in your body which activates enzymes that break down proteins in viruses and bacteria; increases the activation of cells responsible for fighting infection,seafood, red meat and poultry are the best sources.

Health-promoting bacteria in the colon are also an important part of the immune system, high-fiber foods, and specifically foods that contain the type of fiber called inulin are necessary for growth of good bacteria in colon, fruits, vegetables and whole grains are the high fiber foods while yogurt, buttermilk and homemade pickle contain live and active cultures or probiotics.

Garlic, mint, honey, turmeric, garlic green and black tea andkolonjialso lower the risk of becoming sick as they all are rich in vitamins or antioxidants along with other healthy nutrients.

Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Try to avoid snacking irregularly. If you do snack, choose fresh fruits and raw vegetables rather than foods that are high in sugar, salt or fat

3. Sleep well
A good night’s sleep will help you fight infections. Lack of sleep can cause the body’s immune system to go into overdrive. Sleep is important for improving T cell functioning. T cells respond to infections and boost the immune function of other cells. Cytokines, a type of protein in the immune system that target infections, are also produced and released during sleep. Studies have also shown that sleep even improves the effects of vaccines.

4. Deal with stress
Stress causes your body to release cortisol, the body's primary stress hormone. Increased cortisol levels in the bloodstream can cause inflammation, which alters how your body's immune system responds to infections. Moreover, long-term inflammation promotes imbalances in immune cell function and can even suppress immune. Stress decreases the body’s lymphocytes — the white blood cells that help fight off infection. With lower lymphocyte levels, you are more susceptible to viruses.
5. Regularly go for your daily exercise or physical activity
Moderate exercise improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure and helps control body weight. It also promotes circulation of the cells and substances of the immune system, which allows them to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently. It may reduce inflammation and help your immune cells regenerate regularly


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Dr. Waseem Razaq
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