(Hafiz Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

A man named Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian Christian, killed almost 100 people on an Island and injured many others whereas caused a car bomb blast in Norway. He is an extremist and fundamentalist Christian. He confessed that he wanted to defame the Muslims by the attacks in Norway!

The so-called champions of human rights i.e. US and its allies’ media showed their biasness as they entitled Anders Behring Breivik with various names. The Guardian called him “Norwegian gunman”, New York Times called him “Oslo Suspect”, Fox News mentioned him as “Norwegian suspect” and so on but none declared him a terrorist!

We are at a loss to know what kind of media theirs is! Assume what would happen if a Muslim was involved in this terrorism?! Surely, he was immediately entitled as a Muslim terrorist and the whole west media but the Christians and the Jews split hairs and exaggerate the incident! All the crimes that take place in the world immediately put on the Muslims’ heads intentionally whereas humiliation against the Muslims hugely breaks out! Why so?! Why don’t they understand that a terrorist can be like a Muslim or others by appearance but a terrorist has no religion! He never belongs to any religion!

This behavior shows the West enmity for the Muslims who always look down upon the Muslims and want to rule over them making their slaves! They always believe that the Muslims are their enemies whereas the Muslim rulers kneel down before them for few dollars and hand them over their own sisters and brothers! It’s a real tragedy! Think of it!!!

Hafiz Muhammad Noman
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