Is Kalonji and Onion Seed the Same Seed?

(Dr.Waseem Razaq, )

Is Kalonji and onion seed the same seed? Answer to this question is “no,kalanji and onion seed is not the same thing.” There is a lot of confusion about kalonji and onion seeds as they look somewhat similar. Therefore, it’s very important to know that black seeds/Kolonji and onion seeds are two different types of seeds. Kalonji, also known as Black seeds and Black cumin, are the seeds of Nigella sativa, whereas onion seeds are the seeds of onion plants. Although from a distance, black onion seeds can be visually confused with kolonji (Nigella sativa), just like black sesame seeds, but up close, they are mostly flat and papery (like the seeds of any variety of sweet or spicy peppers). The seeds of peppers are round, flat, papery and cream-colored. True onion seeds are nearly the same as peppers seeds just smaller and black in color. They look similar to Kolonji/Black Seed (Nigella sativa), that is the reason onion seeds are confused with kolonji and many people consider these two things as a same seed. As now it is clear that Kolomji and Onion seeds are two different seeds let’s move forward and know more about Kolonji and especially abouts its benefits.

Kalonji, as mentioned above, is also known as black cumin, black seeds or by its scientific name Nigella sativa, belongs to the buttercup family of flowering plants. Plant produces fruit with seeds that are used as a flavorful spice in many cuisines, Kalonji is also known for its medicinal properties and health benefits. Through this article we would also explore 14 of the most impressive benefits of Kalonji.

1. High nutritional value :
Kalonji seeds are a powerhouse of fibers, amino acids, iron, sodium, calcium, and potassium. Kolonji is also rich in vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B12, Niacin, and Vitamin C. Kalonji oil is much better than other oil as it contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. It comprised approximately 17% protein, 26% carbohydrates, and 57% plant fats and oils.
2. Packed with antioxidants:
Antioxidants are substances that neutralize harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cells. Several compounds found in kalonji, such as thymoquinone, carvacrol, t-anethole and 4-terpineol, are responsible for its potent antioxidant properties.
3. Boosts Immune System:
Kalonji might help boost the immune system and lessen allergic reactions by acting as an antihistamine..
4. Prevents Diabetes :
Kalonji is very helpful to control blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. Diabetic patients can consume Kalonji seeds or oil for desirable results
5. Good for Cardiac Health:
Kalonji is very effective for the heart. It keeps heart healthy by controlling bad cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides in our body.
6. Cancer Fighting Properties:
Kalonji is high in antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals that may contribute to the development of diseases like cancer.
7. Antibacterial Effect:
Kalonji seeds have antibacterial properties and be effective at fighting with many bacteria.
8. Reduces Inflammation:
Kalonji seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that can treat various chronic inflammations. It is known for healing joint pains by providing lubrication between the joints. Ayurveda recommends the intake of Kalonji oil daily to decrease inflammations.
9. Good for Liver:
The liver is an incredibly important organ. It removes toxins, metabolizes drugs, processes nutrients and produces proteins and chemicals that are crucial to health. Several studies have found that kalonji may help protect the liver against injury and damage.
10. Helpful for Weight Loss:
Kalonji can help us to increase our body metabolism and thus helpful for weight loss and weight maintenance.
11. Good for Gastrointestinal Tract :
Kalonji help heal gastric ulcers, cure constipation and heal hemorrhoids.
12. Protects Kidneys:
Kalonji effective to reduce diabetic nephropathy (kidney complication in diabetes) by dropping levels of blood sugar, serum creatinine levels, and blood urea levels. It is also used to cure kidney stones and infection.
13. Good for Oral Health:
Kalonji benefits our overall oral health such as bleeding gums, and weak teeth. Kalonji is a great remedy to cure dental pain.
14. Kalonji Oil is Good for Skin and Hairs:
Kalonji oil helps to maintain healthy skin and hair. You can use its oil with lime juice for glowing skin. Kalonji oil is helpful to strengthen hair and prevent hair fall. Gently doing massage with Kolonji oil to forehead can reduce headache.


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Dr. Waseem Razaq
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