THALASSEMIA is becoming life threatening disorder each passing day

(Maidah Hafeez, )

Thalassemia is genetically inherited blood disorder that transmits from parents to their offsprings. As per news report, 4.4 out of every 10,000 lives are affected by this disease throughout the world. It’s highest rate in the Mediterranean, Turkey, Italy, Greece, West Asia, North Asia and South Asia.

In Pakistan, approximately 5000 to 9000 children are born with Beta Thalassemia per year. The estimated carrier ratio is 5 to 7 % with 9.8 million carriers in the total population of the country. Recent survey reports that Balochistan is mainly affected by this disease as compared to other provinces, estimated 2000 children with beta thalassemia in the province balochistan. Beta thalassemia major is the most severe form of thalassemia so affected children are dependent on the regular basis blood transfusion for their survival.

Due to this blood transfusion many of thalassemia patients are becoming the victim of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus because of no proper screening of blood while transfusion. As there is a pandemic situation, and blood transfusion for thalassemia patients is the basic need. so, their might be the high risk of getting severe outcomes with COVID-19 from hospitals as well. Untreated thalassemia may lead to death. While, the average life span of thalassemia patients are approximately 10 years old from birth.

On the other hand, treatment can be done by blood transfusion, chelation therapy, stem cell or bone marrow transplant.

I urge higher authorities to spread awareness among the citizens at an individual basis as well as through different seminars, sessions and campaigns. Because, it is a serious issue which is increasing day by day. And, the biggest loss due to this disorder is that it is affecting our children which are the future youth of the country so, the government should ban the marriages with thalassemia major and minor as well, there must be the implementation of the law of pre marriage thalassemia testing, conduct awareness programme in rural areas as well, open thalassemia care centres for patients and donate screened blood with proper sterilized instruments while treating, individually, raise the issue in public gatherings as well to awared the layman about this disease so, we can get rid of this disease at world level as well as in our country.


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Maidah Hafeez
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