Cyclic vomiting syndrome

(Qirat memon, KARACHI)

Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is a disorder that causes sudden repeated attacks of severe vomiting and nausea. It affects both children and adults. Episodes can last from few hours to several days. Causes of CVS considerably include genes, digestive difficulties, nervous system problems and hormone problems. Symptoms include pain in abdomen, headache, pale skin, lack of appetite, and abnormal drowsiness. To have safe side prevention, one can avoid known triggers such as certain food or food additives. Also get the right amount of sleep. Now here comes the question how can it be treated? Its treatment includes abortive and preventive therapy. Abortive therapy is given at the time of an episode and is meant to lessen the intensity or stop (abort) your attack after it starts.

In the case of dehydration plenty of liquids with glucose and electrolytes are given.

Under supervision: DR. NOMAN KHAN

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Qirat memon
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