Human impact on environment

(Ali, Karachi)

In many people’s opinions mans impact on the environment could be a big issue in our life which is definitely neglected, as humans are chargeable for a staggering amount of harm on the world. Nature manages its own components.

Since the outbreak of technology and industrialisation humans have greatly had a negative impact on the environment, such as; pollution, habitat destruction, pollution, the burning of rainforests and land pollution. during this essay I will give facts and discuss the results and causes on these topics and discuss the solutions being dole out to boost the conditions.

Air pollution effects people in areas of emission sources, such as, power plants, local industry and major roads. Humans contribute to pollution by the employment of machinery in industry causing pollution to the environment. More effects of pollution on the environment involve using diesel oil for vehicles and coal for power together with the shortage of emission controls for vehicles and industry.

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In many people’s opinions mans impact on the environment is a big issue in our life which is easily neglected, as humans are responsible for a staggering amount of damage on the earth. Nature manages its own components.

Since the outbreak of technology and industrialisation humans have greatly had a negative impact on the environment, such as; air pollution, habitat destruction, water pollution, the burning of rainforests and land pollution. In this essay I intend to give facts and discuss the effects and causes on these topics and discuss the solutions being carried out to improve the conditions.

Air pollution effects people in areas of emission sources, such as, power plants, local industry and major roads. Humans contribute to pollution by the use of machinery in industry causing pollution to the environment. More effects of air pollution on the environment involve using diesel fuel for vehicles and coal for power along with the lack of emission controls for vehicles and industry.

Another cause of air pollution is the greenhouse gas CO2, this gas warms the earth through living things as they emit CO2 when breathing which contributes to humans also, as we add to this statistic through breathing also. CO2 is usually thought to be involved with cars, aeroplanes and power plants, in the past 150 years , CO2 has been polluting our atmosphere through the sources mentioned, this is the highest CO2 emissions recorded for a long time. More causes of air pollution is methane gas which comes from swamps which are contributed to man through flooding. Cfc’s are another major cause of air pollution by man through the use of fridges and deodorants (aerosols) which harms the earth’s ozone layer.

Solutions to air pollution:
Solutions to air pollution include driving and flying less, recycling, and conservation. Governmentsare limitting emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases through the Kyoto Protocol;this is an agreement between countries that they will cut back on carbon dioxide emissions. Another method being put into practice is to put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline
Acid Rain
Acid rain has a big effect on the environment and is caused through men by the emission if nitrogen oxides through road transport, power stations and industry, over 2000 tonnes of nitrogen oxide was polluted into the air in 1990 along with over 3000 tonnes of sulphur dioxide through power stations and industry. Sulfur dioxide is known primarily as a cause of acid rain. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool.

Water pollution:
Asian rivers are the most polluted in the world. They have three times as many bacteria from human waste as the global average and 20 times more lead than rivers in industrialized countries.

Thirty percent of Ireland’s rivers are polluted with sewage or fertilizer. The King River is Australia’s most polluted river, suffering from a severe acidic condition related to mining operations.100, 000 marine mammals, 1 million sea birds and other aquatic lives are killed due to plastic waste in water and coastal area.

Solutions of water pollution:
Stabilising wetlands to act as a buffer zone to runoff and to assist in filtering pollutants

· Drive less to reduce the amount of air pollution being emitted into the environment and minimize the amount of nitrogen deposition.

· Improve the sewage treatment system to stop the leaks in the pipes.

· Conserve water

· Improve storm water management.

· Monitor watershed

· Stop deforestation to soak up the rain water and prevent runoff from occurring.

Land Pollution:
The human impacts related with land pollution involves the Increase in urbanization as Construction uses up forestland. More constructions means increase in demand for raw materials like timber. This leads to the exploitation and destruction of forests, the Increase in agricultural land As the human population grew there was a greater demand for food. This caused more land allocated to agriculture. Forests were cut down for this purpose, Agricultural activities Besides domestic waste, pesticides and herbicides used by farmers to increase crop yields also pollute the land when they are washed into the soil and Industrial activities are also a contributing factor to land pollution
Solutions to land Pollution:
New laws and regulations such as, reduce use of plastic, recycle and reuse have greatly reduced the amount of commercial and industrial pollution
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In many people’s opinions mans impact on the environment could be a big issue in our life which is definitely neglected, as humans are chargeable for a staggering amount of harm on the world. Nature manages its own components.

Since the outbreak of technology and industrialisation humans have greatly had a negative impact on the environment, such as; pollution, habitat destruction, pollution, the burning of rainforests and land pollution. during this essay I will give facts and discuss the results and causes on these topics and discuss the solutions being dole out to boost the conditions.

Air pollution effects people in areas of emission sources, such as, power plants, local industry and major roads. Humans contribute to pollution by the employment of machinery in industry causing pollution to the environment. More effects of pollution on the environment involve using diesel oil for vehicles and coal for power together with the shortage of emission controls for vehicles and industry.

Another explanation for pollution is that the greenhouse emission CO2, this gas warms the world through living things as they emit CO2 when breathing which contributes to humans also, as we increase this statistic through breathing also. CO2 is typically thought to be committed cars, aeroplanes and power plants, within the past 150 years , CO2 has been polluting our atmosphere through the sources mentioned, this is often the very best CO2 emissions recorded for a protracted time. More causes of pollution is methane gas which comes from swamps which are contributed to man through flooding. Cfc’s are another major reason for pollution by man through the utilization of fridges and deodorants (aerosols) which harms the earth’s layer.

Solutions to air pollution:
Solutions to pollution include driving and flying less, recycling, and conservation. Governmentsare limitting emissions of greenhouse emission and other greenhouse gases through the Kyoto Protocol;this is an agreement between countries that they'll in the reduction of on CO2 emissions. Another method being put into practice is to place taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline

Acid Rain:
Acid rain includes a big effect on the environment and is caused through men by the emission if nitrogen oxides through road transport, power stations and industry, over 2000 tonnes of oxide was polluted into the air in 1990 together with over 3000 tonnes of pollutant through power stations and industry. pollutant is thought primarily as a reason for acid precipitation. But they also reflect light when released within the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to chill.

Water pollution:
Asian rivers are the foremost polluted within the world. they need 3 times as many bacteria from excreta because the global average and 20 times more lead than rivers in industrialized countries.
Thirty percent of Ireland’s rivers are polluted with sewage or fertilizer. The King River is Australia’s most polluted river, affected by a severe acidic condition associated with mining operations.100, 000 marine mammals, 1 million sea birds and other aquatic lives are killed thanks to plastic waste in water and coastal area.

Solutions of water pollution:
Stabilising wetlands to act as a buffer zone to runoff and to help in filtering pollutants

· Drive less to scale back the quantity of pollution being emitted into the environment and minimize the number of nitrogen deposition.

· Improve the sewage treatment system to prevent the leaks within the pipes.

· Conserve water
· Improve storm water management.

· Monitor watershed

· Stop deforestation to absorb the rain water and stop runoff from occurring.

Land Pollution:
The human impacts related with land pollution involves the rise in urbanization as Construction uses up forestland. More constructions means increase in demand for raw materials like timber. This results in the exploitation and destruction of forests, the rise in agricultural land because the human population grew there was a greater demand for food. This caused more land allocated to agriculture. Forests were slow down for this purpose, Agricultural activities Besides domestic waste, pesticides and herbicides employed by farmers to extend crop yields also pollute the land once they are washed into the soil and Industrial activities also are a contributing factor to land pollution
Solutions to land Pollution:
New laws and regulations like, reduce use of plastic, recycle and reuse have greatly reduced the number of economic and industrial pollution

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