Save Life of Thalassaemia Patiens by Blood Donation

(Qazi Nadeem Ul Hassan , Bahawalpur)

Thalassaemia is a blood disorder passed down through families (inherited) in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia. Anemia is a disorder in which your body doesn’t have enough normal, healthy Red Blood Cells (RBC). This disease is inherited, meaning that at least one of the parents is a carrier of the disease. It is caused by either a genetic mutation, or a deletion of certain key genes. According to a report approximately 100,000 patients are suffering from Thalassaemia in Pakistan and every year 5,000 babies are born with this deadly disease. These patients needs regular blood transfusion and iron chelation after consultation with a qualified Hematologist along with regular diagnostic investigations on monthly basis which is unaffordable by the poor families in Pakistan.


During last three years, PBM has provided financial assistance to more than 3000 Thalassaemia patients. Keeping in view the importance of Thalassaemia centre and to cater the patients in Pakistan especially AJK, Northern Areas and Gilgit-Baltistan, a State of the Art Thalassaemia centre have been established for free of cost treatment by Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal in F-9 Park, Islamabad in financial collaboration with NOVARTIS (PVT) LIMITED. Main objectives of this centre is;

aa To extend quality medical care free of cost

aa To increase life expectancy and improvement in the quality of life for those inflicted by this daunting disease

aa To provide a ray of hope amidst miseries of the children with neglected backgrounds, orphans ad less privileged who cannot afford the cost for the treatment of this serious disease.

aa During year Jan-Dec 2020, 9330 thalassaemia patients served (Blood transfusions, iron chelation, Ferritin tests, LFT/RFT tests) in Pakistan Thalassaemia Centre, Islamabad.

aa A poor, destitute, orphans, widows, invalid and infirm is eligible to apply for the treatment from PBM Thalassaemia centre. Application is required alongwith a copy of computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) issued by NADRA or its receipt along with a copy of old NIC.

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Qazi Nadeem Ul Hassan
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