Choose Your Career According to your Personality

(Abdul Rehman, Karachi)

People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied:
For example, Artistic persons are more likely to be successful and satisfied if they choose a job that has an Artistic environment, like choosing to be a Graphic Designer in a Production House -- an environment "dominated" by Artistic type people where creative abilities and expression are highly valued.
Your Personality Type Compatible
Realistic Investigative & Conventional
Investigative Realistic & Artistic
Artistic Investigative & Social
Social Artistic & Enterprising
Enterprising Social & Conventional
Conventional Enterprising & Realistic

Realistic Personality

Persons having a Realistic personality type "dominate" this environment. There are more of them than there are people of other personality types.

"Realistic" people create a "Realistic" environment. For example, they particularly value people who are practical and mechanical -- who are good at working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or animals.

Examples of occupations that have a Realistic environment are:

Farmer Forester Fire Fighter
Police Officer Flight Engineer Pilot
Carpenter Electrician Diesel Mechanic
Locomotive Engineer Truck Driver Locksmith

Investigative Personality

Persons having an Investigative personality type "dominate" this environment. There are more of them than there are people of other personality types. For example, in a scientific laboratory there will be more persons having an "Investigative" personality than there will be people who have an Enterprising type.

"Investigative" people create a "Investigative" environment. For example, they particularly value people who are precise, scientific, and intellectual -- who are good at understanding and solving science and math problems.

Examples of occupations that have an Investigative environment are:

Chemist Mathematician Meteorologist
Biologist Dentist Physician
Veterinarian Pharmacist Medical Technician
Architect Surveyor Electrical Technician

Artistic Personality

Persons having an Artistic personality type "dominate" this environment. There are more of them than there are people of other personality types. For example, among a group of professional musicians there will be more persons of an "Artistic" personality than there will be people who have a Conventional type.

"Artistic" people create an "Artistic" environment. For example, they particularly value people who are expressive, original, and independent -- who have good artistic abilities in creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.

Examples of occupations that have an Artistic environment are:

Dancer Book Editor Art Teacher
Clothes Designer Graphic Designer Comedian
Actor Disk Jockey  
Composer Musician  

Social Personality

Persons having a Social personality type "dominate" this environment. There are more of them than there are people of other personality types. For example, in a hospital, school, or counseling service there will be more persons having a "Social" personality than there will be people who have a Realistic type.

"Social" people create an "Social" environment. For example, they particularly value people who are helpful, friendly, and trustworthy -- who are good at good at teaching, counseling, nursing, giving information, and solving social problems.

Examples of occupations that have a Social environment are:

Counselor Parole Officer Social Worker
Dental Hygienist Nurse Physical Therapist
Teacher Librarian Athletic Trainer

Enterprising Personality

Persons having an Enterprising personality type "dominate" this environment. There are more of them than there are people of other personality types. For example, in a business or legal setting there will be more persons having an "Enterprising" personality than there will be people who have a Investigative type.

"Enterprising" people create an "Enterprising" environment. For example, they particularly value people who are energetic, ambitious, and sociable -- who are good at politics, leading people and selling things or ideas.

Examples of occupations that have a Enterprising environment are:

Auctioneer Sales Person Travel Agent
Recreation Leader Judge Lawyer
City Manager Sales Manager Bank President
TV Newscaster Customs Inspector Camp Director
Hotel Manager Real Estate Agent School Principal

Conventional Personality

Persons having a Conventional personality type "dominate" this environment. There are more of them than there are people of other personality types. For example, in an office of a bank or real estate company there will be more persons having a "Conventional" personality than there will be people who have a Artistic type.

"Conventional" people create an "Conventional" environment. For example, they particularly value people who are orderly, and good at following a set plan -- good at working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way.

Examples of occupations that have a Conventional environment are:

Court Clerk Secretary Bookkeeper
Bank Teller Post Office Clerk Mail Carrier
Typist Title Examiner Timekeeper
Abdul Rehman
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