Shameful flight by Stanley Wolpert

(Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi, Mianwali)

Shameful flight is a book written by American historian Stanley Wolpert and published in 2006. The writer has expertise in indology. This book explains the last years of the British Raj over India and different events beginning with the fall of Singapore in 1942, Cripps mission, Quit India movement, riots in Noakhali,Calcutta and Bihar, interim government and concluding with Mahatma Gandhi’s death in 1948.

The book officially begins when The Empire of Japan captured the British stronghold of Singapore, with fighting lasting from 8 to 15 February 1942. Singapore was a key component of the British interwar defense strategy since it was the most important economic and military port in South-East Asia. The largest British surrender in history was brought on by the conquest of Singapore. The capture of Singapore resulted in the largest British surrender in its history. Nearly 85,000 British, Indian, and Commonwealth troops were captured, and About 5,000 men were killed or wounded. Prime Minister Winston Churchill blamed Wavell for losing Singapore.

Following the fall of Singapore, the British were afraid they may also lose India. Therefore British government tried their best to secure full Indian cooperation and support for their efforts in World War II for a promise of elections and full self-government (Dominion status) once the war was over. The mission was headed by a senior minister Stafford Cripps. Cripps served as British ambassador to Russia. He received praise for his ardent advocacy of Russia’s resistance to the invasion of the Nazi troops. He had a reputation as a capable wartime prime minister in waiting. The Cripps Mission was an unsuccessful endeavor. The main reasons for failure were that the plan did not talk about the creation of a separate territory called Pakistan, Cripps mission offered dominion status instead of the provision of complete independence. Viceroy lord Linlithgow and secretary of state Leo Amery were also against the Cripps Mission. And plans need to be fulfilled after the war.

Then Gandhi launched the Quit India movement in 1942 calling for an end to the British rule in India. Mass fines were levied and demonstrators were subjected to public flogging. Hundreds of citizens perished in acts of violence and many were shot by the police army. Even though Gandhi’s health was deteriorating, he went on a 21-day fast and remained committed to his ongoing struggle. Although the British released Gandhi on account of his health in 1944. . It was considered as most serious rebellion since 1857.

The interim Government of India, formed on 2 September 1946, had the task of assisting the transition of British India to independence. It remained in place until 15 August 1947. The collaboration involved the Muslim League and the Congress. Jawaharlal Nehru presided over the administration. Most of the ministries belong to Congressmen. Congressmen were in government and Muslims were subjugated by Hindus. Muslims suffered humiliation and mortification. Later Muslim league boycotted it. This deal between the Muslim League and Congress seemed to be insurmountable. Lord Wavell said about congress that their leaders rely on ignorance and they can say anything and be believed by a substantial portion of the population. Congress likes people who prefer revolution to reform, violence to passive resistance, and non-cooperation to cooperation with the British. Wavell also said congressmen are difficult people to deal with.

1946 appeared as the year of riots between Muslims and Hindus. The Noakhali riots of October–November 1946, were a series of semi-organized massacres, rapes, and abductions, combined with looting and arson of Hindu properties, perpetrated by the Muslim community. It is estimated that 5,000 were slain, hundreds of Hindu women were raped and thousands of Hindu men and women were forcibly converted to Islam. Around 50,000 to 75,000 survivors were sheltered in temporary relief camps in Comilla, Chandpur, Agartala, and other places. Around 50,000 Hindus remained marooned in the affected areas under the strict surveillance of the Muslims,

Then came retaliation. It sparked the Bihar riots which lasted from 24 October to 11 November 1946 in which Hindu mobs targeted Muslim families. Mahatma Gandhi declared that he would fast unto death if the riots did not stop. Mohammad Ali Jinnah claimed 30,000 Muslims had been murdered in Bihar and 120,000 Muslim refugees whose homes had been burned.

Then started the Calcutta massacre. It led to large-scale violence between Muslims and Hindus in the city of Calcutta on 16 Aug 1946. Thus, the riots paved the way for the division of Bengal into an Eastern Bengal that was ruled by Muslims and a Western Bengal that was dominated by Hindus, including Calcutta (nowadays Bangladesh). More than 4,000 people died and 100,000 residents were left homeless in Calcutta. The next day, Jinnah announced that 16 August 1946 would be "Direct Action Day" and warned Congress, "We do not want war. If you want war we accept your offer unhesitatingly. We will either have a divided India or a destroyed India."

The process of partition fastened. His Majesty Government appointed last Viceroy Mountbatten on 21 Feb 1947. And Mountbatten considered Nehru wise and Gandhi a saint Fakir. He believed nation states are run by strong men like Nehru and not like Gandhi. Mountbatten saw Jinnah as Mediocre and Negative and Passe. He disliked Jinnah and his politics. The reason might be Jinnah was not ready to accept Mountbatten as Pakistan's first governor General but congress was ready to make him their first governor General. Gandhi disliked Mountbatten's clevery, flattering strategies and warn Nehru of him but Nehru never heeded his advice. Just before the partition, there was mass killing between Sikhs and Muslims. The Sikh chief Tara Singh had assassination plans for Jinnah. He also provide rifles and grenades to young Sikhs against Muslims. Nankana sahib and Sheikopura were considered the center of the killing of Sikhs by Muslims. Muslims tried to rape or first convert and marry Sikhs and Hindu women. If women escaped from the Muslim mob, they were considered untouchables, dishonored, and contaminated. In his book A Train to Pakistan, Khushwant Singh also refers to a phantom train that arrives in India carrying only dead bodies of Sikhs and Hindus. . Same happened to Muslims by Sikhs. A train arrived in jullender with 145 Muslims found dead. Nehru regretted all his misdeeds and transgressions.

To sum up, Gandhi was considered a great soul. He started a probe into the mass murder of Muslims. He walked bared footed in East Bengal in burned villages conveying the message of love and peace to Muslims. He said about Kashmir that people should be asked which state they wanted to join. The ruler is nothing. People are everything. If the people of Kashmir wanted to join Pakistan, no one can stop them. Gandhi kept fast because the Indian government was not paying Pakistan 550M rupes as promised. Gandhi was even called Mohammad Gandhi by a Hindu mob and was shot by Nathuram Godse in Birla house. He died.

In a nut shell, Britain left both nascent countries fighting over the day they would fly away. A shameful flight truly.

Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi
About the Author: Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi Read More Articles by Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi: 22 Articles with 27188 views The writer is studying BS English language and literature at Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan... View More