Anjum Lucknowi The best poet of our time

(Amjad Khan, Amloh)

Photograph taken by Sir Anjum Lucknowi from Mushaira

Anjum Lucknowi The best poet of our time

Pen Name : Anjum Lucknowi
Born Name : Sir, Iqbal Khan Halim
Date of Birth: 7 March 1973
Occupation : Lyricist, Poet, Author
Genre : Ghazal, Nazm, Geet, etc….
Children: 4
National Ability : India

At: Mastan Road Tehsil Fatehpur District Bara Banki Uttar Pradesh, Primary education was done in Madrasah Alia Farqania. He came to Mumbai with his elder father in 1987. He had a passion for poetry since childhood, which was fulfilled in the land of Mumbai. Sincerely, Sir, Aish Kanwal Sahib did not need an introduction, his innumerable songs have been sung by Muhammad Rafi Sahib. Seeing his literary taste, respected Aish Kanwal Sahib gave him full attention by giving him a lot of love, compassion and closeness, and the special thing is that He is the only disciple of K. He did not make anyone else a disciple

Mr. Anjum Lucknowi was in your closeness from 1990 to 2005. In 2005, Aish Kanwal passed away. By that time, this young poet had planted the flag of his art in the world of literature, and the iron of his poetry was accepted by great poets. Popular times (urdu language)

یہ سوچ کے میں کوچئہ قاتل میں نڈر تھا
موسیٰ جہاں رہتے تھے وہ فرعون کا گھر تھا

Poetry Line
In this thought, I was a fearless killer
Where Moses lived was Pharaoh's house

His talmihi ghazal was well-received in the mushairas that appeared in public. Allah, the Most High, has given him great maturity and rise in the knowledge of speech, so that a large number of poets are still flourishing in the presence of Sir, Anjum Lucknowi. Personality and lyrics need no introduction

عزم محکم خرید سکتا ہوں
قوم کا غم خرید سکتا ہوں

ایک پیسے پہ یا نبی لکھ کر
سارا عالم خرید سکتاہوں

I can buy determination
I can buy the grief of the nation

By writing on a penny or Nabi
I can buy the whole world

Many of your poetry collections were published, especially Zarb-e-Musa, and a rare collection for children like Azmat-e-Maa, which became quite popular among the public, after which this poem suddenly caught people's attention, which Dr. The memory of Sir, Allama Iqbal was revived. The title of this poem was given by this great poet: Sawal Fasiq Jawab Khaliq, which later people changed it to Shikwa(complaint) Jawab Shikwa: Swaal Fasiq Jawab Khaliq. Don't be offended and don't be considered arrogant in his honor, this poem helped Sir, Anjum Lucknowi Sahib to reach the top. See the first stanza of this poem

تیری رحمت کو نہ کیوں دیدئہ پرنم ڈھونڈھے
ہے جسے تیری ضرورت وہی پیہم ڈھوند ھے
پھول کو گلشن ہستی میں بھی شبنم ڈھونڈ ھے
خلدآدم کو، کبھی خلد کو آدم ڈھونڈ ھے

شکوئہ عبد بھی سن کر تیرا پردہ نہ اٹھا
تیری مرضی تو مجھے جلوہ دکھا یا نہ دکھا

There are about forty-eight stanzas in this poem. For this poem, in 2017, Mustakim Inter College, Gianipur, Sultanpur District, Uttar Pradesh, gave a book form to Shikwa Jawab Shikwa poem and released this book on a grand scale. He was honored with the title of Second Allama Iqbal.

Amjad Khan
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