Glorious past of insignificant present

(Wajeeha, Rawalpindi)

How is it possible that you do not fight in the cause of Allah and in support of the helpless men, women and children who pray, "Our Lord, drive us out of the land whose people are wrongdoers, and appoint us from Your side a helper and appoint for yourselves a helper?" Believers fight in the way of Allah and disbelievers fight in the way of Satan. So fight the people of Satan. Indeed, Satan's strategy is weak. Quran\

Have you forgotten God's message? Are we not able to support the helpless people of Gaza and occupied Palestine?
We are followers of 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Palestine is the victory of Salahuddin, and we lost it without a fight. Remember what happens to two billion Muslims! Where do we come from? The, we can regain our dignity and our voice can be significant once again.
Wherever you are, death will overcome you---- even if you are in strong towers. Quran
We fear death and face death, we offer funerals but we are not getting any lesson. The OIC is the second largest organization in the world. We are followers of the second major religion that has economic power, military power and the best constitution in the world in the form of the Quran. We have everything except faith,when will useless condemnation end, , if we are unable to do anything then close the door so that we can understand and accept the death of spirits and faith. We believe in the Day of Justice we will have to answer.
And fight them until there is oppression and the religion is for Allah. But if they desist, there shall be no enmity except the oppressors.

So fight in the cause of Allah, and there is no burden on anyone but yourself, and insist on the believers. Allah will stop the power of the disbelievers. Allah is more powerful in power and more powerful in punishing. Al-Qur'an

The only thing alive in our dead souls is hope. We have lost our glorious path, but we can rediscover it in the light of our faith. I am still hopeful for revival and one day we will stand again insha Allah. I hope my words matter.
Because when we don't try to retaliate, they don't get scared and try to cross the limits, instead of sitting down and making a policy, we should be prepared before that. It is certain and clear that they will not stop turn by turn and one by one we will all be on their target. If we can’t do anything for Quds, then express your concern for yourself.
Spain's history is being revised, the region will be converted, and we are unable to question whether the conversion of a region's majority religion by force is not terrorism and extremism because those responsible do not belong to Islam. The world should stop this double discrimination but we face it because we forget our values. The blood of Muslims is not inferior and Muslims are not the experimental target of the world's weapons.
Let us stand with wisdom and peace in one hand and a sword in the other.
I'll tell you what destiny is.
The sword and sword of the first peacock and the last rabab
My readers are requested to do wazo and recall the kalima Tayyaba again as we need to revise it.

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