A Call for Reform

(Prof. Shoukat Ullah, Bannu)

At a Lahore press conference, JI Ameer Hafiz Naeem Ur Rehman criticized the 2024-25 budget for increasing taxes and electricity tariffs, which strained households and disproportionately impacted the middle- and lower-income groups. Rehman noted that economic pressures are driving young Pakistanis to emigrate, harming the country's future development, and stressed the need to retain the nation's human capital. Hafiz Naeem Ur Rehman alleged that the current leadership exploited national resources and urged the public to participate in an upcoming sit-in demanding their rights. He argued that government policies favour a privileged minority, causing widespread suffering, and called for urgent action to ensure fair resource distribution.

The JI leader urged the government to lower power tariffs and tax rates, stating that these actions would ease the financial strain on ordinary Pakistanis. He pointed out the tax contribution disparity, where the salaried class paid Rs 360 billion, whereas the feudal class paid only Rs 4 billion. Hafiz Naeem Ur Rehman emphasized that this stark contrast highlights the necessity for a more equitable tax system. Hafiz Naeem Ur Rehman advocated tax reform to address Pakistan's economic inequality, arguing that a fairer tax system is essential for equitable contributions from all societal segments. Tackling these disparities can foster a more balanced and just economic environment. The planned sit-in threatens political and economic stability, as large-scale protests can disrupt daily life, create uncertainty, deter investment, and hinder growth. Prolonged demonstrations may strain government resources and lead to clashes between protesters and law enforcement. The government should engage in constructive dialogue with protesters to address their concerns and mitigate unrest.

Prof. Shoukat Ullah
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