Easy Come , Easy Go

(Qudsia Noor, GUJRANWALA)

"Dream Big, Achieve Bigger: The Power of Belief"

To make mistakes
To have bad days
To be yourself
To be less than perfect
To say no sometimes
To ask for help
To do different things

WELCOME ! “Have you ever felt like achieving your dreams is just out of reach, no matter how hard you try? ofcourse yes !

it is because great thing takes time But the one who stays motivated and focused always experienced a happy endings . I am writing this to make you feel good , comfortable , more easy , hope my words will relax you and help you to make yourself motivated and focused .

The concept of "easy come, easy go" can be applied to various aspects of life, including relationships, money, success, and opportunities. When something is easily acquired without much effort or sacrifice, it is often not valued as highly as something that is earned through hard work and perseverance. This can lead to a lack of appreciation and a higher likelihood of losing or squandering what was gained.

you are the only one who can change your life . IF you are looking for someone to come and change your life than take a look in mirror . enjoy every moment of your life but never forgets to see more dreams , dreams to reality ! Its a reminder to you to take some difficult but worthy steps for yourself because YOU LOVE YOURSELF , SHOULD DO !
Coming soon....

Qudsia Noor
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